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[chapter ten]
|| amour ||

[chapter ten] || amour ||

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Asta sat in the classroom, thinking about the harsh exchange that her and Chris had the previous day.

"Asta?" Chris's voice echoed through the phone. She sighed, knowing this was about the picture that the unknown person sent out.

She pulled herself out of her thoughts and answered. "Hey." She sighed. He scoffed and she didn't really understand why. "What the hell were you thinking." He practically yelled into the phone. Now it was her time to scoff. She did.

"What the hell are you talking about?" She pushed him for an answer. He paused. "You know damn well about what I'm saying." She didn't say anything and he continued. "The pictures, Asta what the hell. William is so mad at both of us, why did you send them out?" A tear rolled down her cheek. "Excuse me? You think I sent out these pictures?" She rolled her eyes. "Yes, I got a message from you, and it was the pictures, the same message everyone in the school received. You can't at least own up to it?"

Asta was fuming. This bitch played her. She sighed. "Chris is swear I didn't-" he cut her off. "You didn't what?" She didn't say anything, she felt ashamed. He clicked his tongue. "Exactly. But I would like to know one thing. Did you use me for popularity? Because right now you're the talk of the school congratulations. You're the only person I've ever opened up to so con- fucking- gratulations for being the one to make me realize that I don't need you, an I don't want you. As far as I know, you used me. And normally I wouldn't care. But right now, Asta Magnusson, you broke my heart." He hung up and she slid her back down the wall, sobbing uncontrollably.

Why didn't she speak up? She cursed herself, but just continued to cry.


The bell rung and people stared at her. She heard whispers as she walked down the hall. She stopped in her tracks and yelled out. "Get a fucking life!" She ran her hand through her hair and punched a locker. Everyone gasped.

"What are you all still looking at?" She yelled out again, and immediately everyone looked away. She sighed and went outside and spotted Chris and a girl on top of her. She walked passed them and said aloud "Broke your heart my ass" and she strutted away.

She made up her mind, Asta would not let this be the end of her world. She was heart broken too, and if Chris found a way to get over her that fast, maybe she should try it.

She walked up to her table and Eva gave her a glare. But she immediately sighed and turned away. "Asta? Don't go, we need to talk." Eva got up and she hugged her. "You're not mad?" She said. "I was, but hen I stopped by when 'you' sent out the pictures and I heard you crying. I knew you were heart broken. And he meant something to you" she explained. Asta saw her gesture with her hands when she said you, saying that she knew Asta didn't send it.

"I didn't send it."

"I know"


OMG OMG ONG 11k WTF YALL ARE THE GREATEST ILY & omg shortest chapter ever :(

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