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[chapter twelve]
|| amor ||

[chapter twelve]|| amor ||

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Asta opened her fridge and found barely anything. She checked the time and saw it was only 11 pm on a Friday. Why was she still in.

She checked her phone and saw it was blown up. News about a big party. She didn't have anything better to do.

She went into her room and pulled on a jacket over her clothes she was already wearing.


When she arrived, she smelt the smell of alcohol in the air. She opened the door and was greeted to a bunch of teenagers partying. Not many people even noticed her.

She made her way to the kitchen and saw a few party snacks around. She picked up some food and ate some.

She heard a chuckle and turned around. Her heart fluttered as the perfect man, known as Chris Schistad walked into the kitchen. His laugh was music to her ears.

He walked over and snatched some food from where she was eating. She slapped his hand away and continued stuffing her face.

"Did you just get here or something?" He asked her while she swallowed her food. She lifted her eyes to his instead of the food.

"I needed food." She stated, only to earn another chuckle from Chris. She smiled at him. He laughed as she went back to eating.

Sana walked I to the kitchen, eyeing the pair. She made her way to Asta and crossed her arms over her chest. "Bus meeting? Today? Did you forget?" Asta mentally face palmed.

She closed her eyes before picking her gaze back up to Sana. She sighed and explained that she forgot about it and didn't realize that there was a party until she checked her phone.

Asta walked out of the kitchen and saw that boy, Isak. He was Eva's friend. She walked over and did a wave- like gesture. She introduced herself. "Hello Isak, im Ast-" he cut her off. "Asta Magnusson, yes i know you." He said.

She eyed him before answering. "Well you're Eva's friend and we never officially met so I thought I would introduce myself." She stated. He held out his hand, and she took it and shook it.

Later on in the party Asta was dancing with Vilde. They were having so much fun. She smiled as they danced.

She felt a strong arm pull her around and she saw Chris. He was dancing with her.

"So about this. Us." He said. She scrunched her eyebrows up as she didn't know what he was talking about.

"Us?" She asked him. He nodded and realized that she didn't know what he was talking about.

"What are we?" He finally announced and she let out a "oh.". He nodded as she began to think.

"Friends right now. We can see here we go?" She suggested as he nodded. "If that's hat you want."

"That's what I want."


Asta woke up groggily and began her daily process of getting breakfast. It was Saturday and she didn't have any plans so she didn't need to dress up or anything.

She walked into her bathroom and hopped into the shower, staying there for 20 minutes. She finally felt awake again.

Her phone rang and it was Vilde.

She picked it up as she was getting dressed. She answered. "Hey, what's up?" She asked the blonde.

Vilde was panting as she tried to make out some words. She finally calmed down and began to speak clearly. "The Yakuza guys, they're fighting the penetrators! Come quick!" Vilde hung up.

She received a text of the address and she rushed out of the house, grabbing her jacket on the way.

When she arrived, they were fighting. She saw a familiar Yakuza guy. She couldn't place him. He hit William, and she yelled out. They both turned to see her there, both knowing exactly who she was at her voice.

The boy fully turned at that moment and she knew who he was. It was her ex. The guy that she broke his heart. Oh damn. He smirked at her before continuing to fight.

She walked closer and spotted Vilde, hugging her. They were very close. Noora covered her mouth and walked away as William smashed a bottle on one of the guys.

She heard sirens in the distance and she ran towards the group of guys yelling. She grabbed two brunette guys hands. And dragged them away from the scene.

Chris, Asta, and William made their getaway, the girls of her Russe buss tight on their tail.

They stopped in an alleyway and they all burst out laughing, all except Asta and Chris. They hadn't let go of each other's hands and Asta stared at their intertwined hands. She was reminded of the party escape with Chris earlier this year.

That was the moment she realized, she could never escape the inevitable, her and Chris were supposed to be here, together.

They always were. That was their amour,
Their secret love. Their story. And to her, she didn't really want to escape it.


Omg double update!!! Okay guys 13k? Wtf how did this even happen. Y'all are amazing. THABKS SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT!!

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