Growth or Fixed

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Growth or Fixed

A great rapper once said

"More afraid of success than failure"

I keep thinking to myself doesn't he mean

More afraid of failure than success

It took a good teacher to help me realize

If you are afraid of failing

You have a fixed mindset

You are so afraid of failing you won't do anything challenging

You stay right where it's easy for you

But then I learned

What a growth mind set is

It's when you do things even if you know you are going to fail

I learned that Eminem has a growth mindset

Eminem keeps trying till he succeeds

Every time he reaches success

He keeps going

The feeling of reaching success drives him to keep going

We need to have a growth mindset

Part of the word growth is grow

We need to grow

We need to open our minds

Instead of saying this is impossible

We need to say this is possible

Because when you have a growth mindset

Anything is possible 

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