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We arrive at my house at 5 in the after noon. I despretly needed to stand up after sitting for so long. I poke the sleeping guy next to me in the cheek to wake him up. I admit he had a sleepless night before. "Wake up,baby. We're here." I say like a mom trying to wake up a baby. He opens his eyes slowly, stretching. He looks at his watch and gets up fully awake. We go to the back to get our baggages. Nathan took all of them, i took my duffle bag. "Oh let me..." He says handing out a hand. "No. Yoy have too much to carry." I say trying to sound stern. He admits defeat by raising his hands up.

We walk to the house. I see two 3 figures playing in the snow. I saw one of them as Sandra. One of them looks at me at i am shocked. "AAAAAALLLLLLLLLEEEEEEXXXXX!!!" Two ladies come rushing towards me and giving me a hug. "TIIIFFFAAA, KLLLEEEOOO!!!" I say excited as can be. "ITS SO GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" Tifa says hugging me again. Quickly their eyes go to Nathan. "Who's the new guy?" Kleo asks. I guess they have forgot? "Didn't i tell you when i called you guys on skype?" I say. Their eyes quickly light up as they remembered. "Ohhh yeah... Nathan, right?" Tifa asks. Nathan only replies with smile and a wave, but knowing these two, they reply by fangirling. "So how was the trip?" A voice shouts from the house while opening the door, causing us to turn. It was Taylor. My brother. "It was good..." I shout back.

Now, i'll be honest, i don't like him, but i don't hate him. The reason is, that my past boyfriends cheated on me for him AND he keeps flirting with them.

We get in the house. I notice that Taylor was eyeing MY Nathan. I could have burned him right then and there but i'm too nice for that. Quickly my lovely golden retriever come running to me. "Welcome and welcome back!!" All of them say to us before giving us a hug.

I get my bags to my room to set down my luggage. I sat down my bed. I look at Nathan scratching the back of his neck. He was about to speak but i cut him off. "Huhuhup. Hold that thought. You're sleeping with me." I say putting my hand up in a stopping gesture. He smiles at me. We turn to the door because of a knock. "Nathan... We've set up the guest room. You can set your stuff down." My moms voice comes through the door. I look at Nathan pouting my lips making him smile. "It's okay. We still have the night." He says the last part in a deep voice. He approaches me, bends down and rests on his arm, he puts a finger on my chest and traces it up to my chin. With that, i let out a whimper. "What can i do?" He whispers into my ear. "What ever you want daddy." I whisper into his ear, there was slight pause. But then a knock was heard. "Boys!! Dinner's ready." My sister shouted through the door. "Yeah... We're coming!!!" I shout. I let out a sigh of annoyance. "We can do this later, when everything is 'private'" he says in a deep voice before getting off me. "I bet you can't even last against me." He says jokingly. "I'd say fuck you but i want you to fuck me." I say in a seductive voice. "Well, i 'd say fuck them but i want to fuck you." He says before opening the door. "Lets eat i'm starving anyway." He says before getting out.

We get to the kitchen. Kleo and Tifa are joining us for dinner. Great. We took our seats next to eachother and waited for the food to come. I look at Taylor who had his eyes on Nathan. "So..." Kleo says trying to start a conversation. "You guys dating?" Tifa finishes her sentence. "Well..." I say trying to look for a different answer. "Yeah." I just say and that gave them shit faced grins. "So tell us something about yourself." My brother asks resting his elbow on the table and resting his chin on his intertwined hands. God please don't tell me he is'nt flirting with him. I could just throw him out in the snow. Nathan just told him tht he is an enhanced. Taylor was putting his flirt face. Looks like Kleo and Tifa noticed and they gave him death glares. Taylor got the idea and looked away. Nathan saw that too and looked disgusted, then looked at me with a smile. Kleo started a conversation and we just talked until the food came.

We ate and it was just as i remembered. The oh so delicious sphagetti of my mom. I looked at Nathan to see him with his eyes closed as he was savoring the flavor. "Wow." He says opening his eyes. "Oh wow Mrs. Rogers, this is amazing." He says swallowing. "Oh why thank you Nathan." My mom said. "I wish i could eat this more often." Nathan says as he gets a forkful of sphagetti. "Oh there's more to come." I whisper to him. We finish our food. Nathan goes up stairs to get his stuff in the guestroom while i washed the dishes. My parents, Taylor, sandra, Tifa And kleo are watching tv in the livingroom.

I was almost done with the dishes when i felt arms wrap around me and a chin rests on my shoulder. "You almost done?" He whispered in my ear. "Almost..." I say while putting the last of the dishes in the cupboard. "Why is your brother like that?" He asks out of the blue. "Is he all flirty?" I ask back.
"Yeah. I've been giving him hints that i'm not interested, but he doesn't seem to get it." He says in a whisper so Taylor doesn't hear. "Don't worry he'll get it eventually." I chuckle facing him and cupping his cheeks with my hands. "But seriously, already? That was fast, even for him." I say. I look behind him to see Taylor giving me a narrowed eyed look while Tifa was whispering something to kleo who's faced was graced with a blush and a shocked look.
I leave the kitchen with Nathan following.

Tifa and Kleo get up to say good bye. "See you guys tomorrow." They both say. "See yah." At this point i was getting tired and all i wanted to do was sleep with my love. "I'm going to bed." I say yawning. I go up stairs and to my room. "Come on. " i say to nathan, rubbing my eyes, pulling on his hand to follow me. "Are you sure? Your parents might get mad." He says trying to supress a smile and scratching the back of his neck. "Oh? Don't worry they wouldn't mind. Besides they saw you weren't giving in to Taylor's flirting." That gave him a suprised look. "Wow... Wait, how many boyfriends did you have for them to assume that?" He asks. "Just 3. My dad's very observant and he saw that Taylor was always giving the same face everytime." I say. "And this time they saw you giving him a disgusted look so they assumed that."
With that said we continue on to my room.

He went to the guest room to get sweatpants and a long sleeves. I brush my teeth then change into pajamas. I lay on the bed and he follows. We get under the comforter, we turn to face eachother just gazing in eachothers eyes. Oh my his eyes. I could just get lost in looking at them. I did and i just pass out from the tiredness

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