Chapter 4

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May woke up this morning trying to figure out a way to confront Sam and talk to him about what he said yesterday in class. As usual, she had her quick shower, got dressed, ate her fruit loops, brushed her teeth, and was on her way. May was still working out exactly how she was going to approach Sam, when she walked up to her locker. As she placed her key inside the lock, turning it until it opened, a small piece of paper gently fluttered from her locker, to the concreted ground below.

May picked up the folded note and read the words, neatly written inside.


        I know that I probably shouldn't have written this to you, let alone put it in your locker, but I had to tell you something. I would have put it in our normal letters but I thought that this would be a better idea.

I just wanted to tell you, or rather ask you, if you wanted to meet up sometime. Not as No-One and UnNoticed, but as May and Sam. I can understand if you decline this offer as I imagine it to be out of your comfort-zone. I just wanted to get to know you, off paper. In your letters, you seem so nice and actually interested in what I have to say, even over the few letters that there has been.

I won't mind (too much) if you decide to just keep this strictly on paper and just talk through the letters, I just wanted the chance to talk to you again, I guess....I guess. I honestly don't know I just thought I could take a risk and try. Isn't that what you told me in our last letter? I believe your exact words were, 'If you never try, you will never know. Take a chance, take that leap of faith'. That's what I am trying to do. I am taking that leap, and I am hoping that I will land, next to you.



As May looked up from the note, she looked around the locker bay for Sam. He was nowhere in sight. Too lost in thought, May didn't hear the bell go until the girl whose locker is next to hers pushed past her. May snapped out of it, and returned to gathering her books and walking to class. She wasn't as early as usual; her table at the back was still empty though.

With the note still firmly in her hand, she took her sit. She wasn't exactly sure of her answer to Sam's question. That was however, before she saw him walk into the classroom. Instead of just looking past May and straight to his friends, Sam paused and smiled at May. May's heartbeat picked up speed and her stomach had grown butterflies. With shaky hands, she held her black pen and wrote a response to Sam.

May's first class was English, which meant she was able to read the letter that Sam had written her.

Dear UnNoticed,  

                         Okay, so I changed my mind. I don't want to pretend that I don't know who I'm writing to anymore. Let me start again...

Dear May,

                I hope you got the note that I left in your locker. I wanted to tell you all of that in this but I thought that Miss Tink might read it or someone might have accidentally read it. After re-writing this one for the tenth time, I decided that, yet again, you were right. You once told me in a letter that I shouldn't be ashamed of who I am. I don't want to be ashamed of myself anymore. With you, just writing to you, I feel better about myself. If you do decide to meet with me in person, I have to apologise in advance. I probably won't say any of this or even have you meet me somewhere in public because I am still ashamed of who I am and I don't think that I am ready to show the world 'the real me' just yet. If you just be patient with me, and give me some time, I know that we can be good friends. At least I hope we can.

Just think about it, yeah?



                               Aka, Sam

The bell rang and May left her letter at the desk and walked to her next class. It was science, the only other class she had with Sam. She took her seat at the back, it just so happened to be the seat right behind Sam. She couldn't focus on the work at all, not while Sam was sitting at arm's length away. Normally, when the two sat so close to one another, they didn’t notice. Today was the first time Sam noticed May and she couldn’t help but look at him.

Sam would, every now and then, turn on his side to talk to his friends, making quick five second glances at May. They were barely noticeable but May saw them, and every time she did, she would smile like a fool.

Soon, the bell for recess went and May didn't even realise that she had wasted one and a half hours looking at Sam and pretending that she didn't notice him look at her. May headed towards her locker when someone accidentally knocked into her, making her drop hers books. As they both turned around to see who they had bumped into, May was looking directly at Sam as he looked at her, both completely taken by surprise.

At the same time, as if it were a magical force, pulling on the both of them, they knelt on the ground to pick up the scattered books. Sam's hand grazed May’s, and May could feel electricity jolt through her entire body, just by a single touch. It was as if time had stopped and the only people there, were Sam and May, just looking into each other's eyes, hands slightly touching still. As Sam removed his hand and handed May her books, he stood up and looked down at her, still on the ground, "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there. Are you alright?"

May nodded quickly, got all of her books in her hands and got to her feet. Sam didn't say another word or even look at May again. Everything went back to normal, but for that moment, for those few seconds, everything felt perfect. May could still feel Sam's touch on her hand and the burning in her chest from when he looked directly at her. Although it was only seconds, May had never felt that way before. She shook it off and went to her locker.

As hard as May tried, she couldn't shake that feeling off. She tried rubbing away at her hand, but she couldn't get rid of the lingering sensation that she felt in her hand and her heart.

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