Chapter 2

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May searched her brain for who the letter could be from. She couldn't think of anyone. Not a person in her class seemed like the type to feel that way about themselves to see themselves as no one. She couldn't understand, everyone in her class were so full of themselves and sure of what they were and what they had. To May, ‘No-One' was the kind of name you would give yourself when you are unsure of who you are. It was a name that May would have used to describe herself.

She read the letter; it was very plain and simple. It was straight forward and to the point.

To _____,

               If I were you then I wouldn’t expect much out of this experience. This whole exercise is a waste of time. The people in this class are all the same pathetic, attention-seeking morons. I guess I should apologise to you since I just put you in that same category but I’m right. I am yet to meet a single person here that cares about something other than appearance or money or their status. I get really tired of all the drama that people cause. I just…I don’t know why I am actually participating in this stupid activity.

From No-One

P.S I'm sorry for wasting your time with my letter/letters and I'm sorry for you being forced into reading them.

The letter didn’t try to cover up the truth or pretend; it was completely honest. May admired that. She began her reply right away. Trying to word it the right way. She wanted to make this person, 'No-one' feel like they were able to open up. She wanted to show them that things aren't what they seem, that not everyone in the class were self-centred.

To No-One,

                 I happen to agree with you, to a certain extent. I do believe that this class contains some of the worst people in this school but you’re wrong about this being a waste of time and you certainly don’t know me nor have you ever met me so you can’t put me in the same vote as those who you have met or do know. This would only be a waste of time if you didn’t get anything out of it but the way I see it, I just met someone who also thinks that our class sucks, that’s something. Oh and drama is fun, just as long as you are watching from the sidelines and not from centre stage. There is nothing wrong with taking part in this experiment shall we call it, considering it is a rather big part of our grade, I think that it is very important to participate in it.

From UnNoticed

P.S You aren’t wasting my time, the whole point of this was to try to connect with someone different to the usual crowd you are used to. Personally, this is so far away from my comfort zone that it isn’t even in eyesight anymore.

May re-read what she had written. She was happy with it. She was going to give it to her teacher tomorrow. With everything done, her homework, the letter, she headed to bed. May felt as if she needed to help this person, No-One because May didn’t want anyone to feel the same way she did every day. She wouldn’t want anyone to feel so much hatred towards not only themselves but the world around them. May might have been insecure but she appreciated the beauty of the world. May use to be able to see the good in people but she lost that hope and she could tell that No-One had too. May thought that she could help them, at least she was going to try.


May packed her bag, ate her fruit loops for breakfast and walked to school just like any other day. Today was different though, May felt different this morning. She held the letter she had written the night before firmly in her hands, ready to give to Miss Tink. May was excited to get another letter. It had been a week since the assignment had begun, already having written to her pen pal a few times. This 'No-One' person captivated her. She didn't understand why, she just felt somewhat sorry for this person for feeling the same way that she did. They had so many things in common and they haven't even really started talking yet. May knew that this person had experienced some of the same things as she did.

The bell went for class as May was removing the books she needed for her first two subjects, from her locker. As she walked to her homeroom, she couldn't stop thinking about the letter. She wondered what they would write in reply.

May sat at her normal seat, at the back, away from the other people in her class. Miss Tink was late as perusal. Rushing around and trying to be organised, Miss Tink put all the letter replies on her desk and began the roll.

As she called the students names, they were to walk to the desk and receive their replies. Countless others went before May, until it was finally her turn. She walked up, “Good Morning Miss”

Miss Tink replied with a smile and handed May her letter marked with, 'No-One'. May took it back to her desk, before reaching it she stole a glance at Sam looking at his letter. May was shocked with what she saw. She sat down in her chair with all the cogs in her head turning, fighting for a train of thought that made some sense to her. She looked back at Sam and saw the letter again. It couldn't be, May thought to herself. What are the odds of her mystery pen pal being none other than the boy she had uncertain yet intense feelings for? May couldn't believe what she had just seen. She almost ran out of the classroom when the bell went.

All day May thought about Sam reading her letters. May thought about how Sam felt and made her feel. He seemed like such an 'up-himself, I'm-too-cool-for-you' kind of person. May didn't understand how he could act so selfish and pretend so much when he was around people but then write things like he does to someone he has no idea who was.

The school day ended and May made her way home. She was still so shocked after seeing Sam with her letter. She couldn't stop her thoughts from wondering to him and how her letters made him feel. If he actually felt any emotion at all. All these thoughts continued to dance around her head.

Here's May, sitting and judging someone who she has no idea who is, when everyone does the same to her. People always judged May and pushed her into being someone she wasn't. She hides from people like Sam just so she doesn't get hurt. She would never have guessed that the boy she hides away from, is actually trying to hide from someone as well.

Sincerely MeWhere stories live. Discover now