Chapter 3

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May went to school with a different perspective in mind. She didn't know how to feel about Sam, or the fact that they were rather simular despite the fact that they belonged in different worlds. May did her normal thing, got the books from her locker and headed straight to class 15 minutes early. She took her normal seat, at the back of the room. It took her by surprise when Sam walked in soon after. The warning bell wasn't even going to go off for another 10 minutes and Sam was in class? His presence concerned May slightly, causing her to become anxious.

After a few seconds, Sam looked over at May, "Hey, your name’s May, right? I'm Sam"

Sam stood from his chair, walked over to May, reaching his hand out. May nervously took it in hers. After their awkward hand shake, Sam pulled a chair out and sat across from May.

"Do you speak?"

May tensed up. Of course she spoke; no one had even taken the time to talk to her before.

May thought about ignoring him, but there was just something about him that May couldn't resist.

"Yes, I speak"

"Wow, I think that, that's the first time I have ever heard you speak. You are always so quiet, why?"

May could have replied in many ways, she didn't know how to have a conversation with someone like Sam. Putting the letters aside, he was still known as the popular boy, the kind that every guy wanted to be and every girl wanted to be with. He was still such a mystery to May, even with the letters. She had no idea how to act around him.

"People aren’t there to listen"

The room went silent, moments past, both May and Sam stayed perfectly still, not one of them making a move.

"How did you know that my name was May?" May's voice startled Sam, making him shift in his seat. 

"Well, you have been in my class for the past 4 years. I just thought that since we’ve basically known each other for that long, we should at least be able to say that we have had one conversation"

Sam's smile made May smile. He had that kind of reassuring smiles, the rare ones that could convince you to do anything.  People very rarely had that effect on her. This was a completely new experience with a completely new group of feelings that May didn't know how to deal with, "That's rational"

"Ha, yeah. I thought so too"

There was, yet another, silence but this time it was less awkward, until Sam broke it, "Since we have a little bit of time before the rest of the class comes, how are you going with this English assignment?"

May felt her chest tighten and her breath get heavy, "Uhm, the English assignment, it's different. Not something that I'm use to"

"It's out of my comfort zone too"

May wasn't sure how he knew what she was feeling or why he felt them too. All May knew was that Sam could read her every thought, as if he were in her head, something that no one has ever been able to do before.

"What happens at the end of the semester, when we find out who we were writing to, and they don't like who it is?" May's voice went shaky and she lost her confidence, which she knew Sam would most likely notice.

"I don't know. Personally, I don't think I will have a problem with mine"

"Why do you say that?" May was curious about Sam’s statement. Not just because she knew who was writing him letters, but also because she wondered if he knew as well.

“Because, anyone who takes the time to write something personal about themselves and takes the time to actually care about what I have to say is pretty remarkable in my opinion"

He couldn't possibly have known that May was the one he was writing to, right?

The bell had just started ringing; Sam turned and started walking back to his chair. Before he sat down, and before the other students walked in, Sam turned his head and spoke words that startled May, "Miss Tink should have gotten people to type the letters. Hand writing is very distinctive"

Sam gestured to the notepad that May had been writing on, smiling when he looked back up and returned to his seat.

The other students started to walk in now, May couldn't wrap her head around the last few seconds that she had just experienced. She had no idea how to feel, or what to think. All she knew for certain was that, Sam must have known or at least he defiantly does now.

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