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I knew that curly hair from anywhere, I knew that caramel skin tone, smooth complexion. I could spot that from just about anywhere. How could I ever forget my abuser, the reason behind me losing my child.

And those eyes.

I'd never forget those hazel eyes.

As my mother's mouth moved-her words were inaudible-I couldn't believe the man standing in front of me today was the same man who killed my baby, the same man who beat me down.

Almost to death.

I wondered if my mother knew about us.

Probably not.

I can't believe that this is happening. My mother is with my ex boyfriend and babydaddy. And now is pregnant by him. I can't believe this.

I zoned out to that moment that was 5 months ago. It was the last day of school, and I wasn't excited about it at all. Especially because Teron's ass moved into the house due to my mothers doctor saying she might going into early labor.

I try my best to avoid him throughout the house every chance I get. He always stares at me and it makes me so uncomfortable. Sometimes I'll sleep over at Chyna's house, but she'll stay up all night crying about her and Rashad, she has a new boyfriend though, Quincy, however everyone calls him Q, I guess she misses Rashad a little bit.

He really tries his hardest to get back with Chyna, he sends flowers to her door daily, due to him being the father he has started becoming a part of Asia's life, Lexis didn't care about it, Raheim doesn't want anything to do with either of em, but Asia still calls him "dad", Raheim actually still plans on raising her regardless if they don't share the same DNA.

Raheim started dating to, his new girlfriend's name is Mackenzie, but everyone calls her Mac.

She's a cute lightskin and she's fully aware of the situation that's going on, but she doesn't care about it as long as Raheim's faithful and I guess that's why Lexis doesn't like her or want her child around her. They've only met once, and it was bad.

And as for me? Jay and I have gotten closer, yet my mother won't allow him in the house, because Teron says he's trouble. Lies. If anyone's trouble- it's him.

He actually suggested I started calling him Daddy, But that'll never happen. Nobody knows what really happened between me and Teron and I plan to leave it like that.

I was interrupted by a bell ringing and everyone getting out of their seats, I headed out of the door.

I found Chyna in the hallway with Q,

"hey girl, how was class?", she said hugged up on Q. I smiled at how he kept trying to push her away.

"Straight, that damn anatomy be hoeing me though", I giggled, before giving a head nod to Q I went to get my stuff out of my locker

"I think I might come by your house later, alright?", I said getting irritated just speaking of the nigga I was about to go home to in a few minutes. She looked at me puzzled before nodding her head towards me We hugged then I got in the car.

"Summer", I sighed out. Thinking about what I'll do for my birthday which is right around the corner. I'm so excited.

I pulled up to myhouse and mentally prepared myself for this bullshit, I got a little happy once I saw nobody was home.

I ran up to my room and fell into my bed. It was so comfortable, until I heard a tap coming from my window.

I jumped up, but once I saw it was just Jay I calmed down. His presence always tended to me happy.

"What the hell are you doing here?", I said laughing at him trying to fit through my window. The fact he climbed up a ladder and tried to squeeze through was so amusing.

"I ain't see you when the bell rung, so I just came here. Wassup wit' you?", he said getting comfortable in my bed, I laughed before getting comfortable next to him and answering his question,

"Good, you just don't care bout what my people think huh?", I said hoping nobody was here still.

"Don't worry, Teron won't mind", Jay hadn't known about Teron and all that happened. I didnt plan on telling him either.

He stared at me for a minute, before kissing me.

But once he started the kiss, we couldn't end it. his lips tasted so good. I straddled him, without breaking the kiss.

The kiss was so passionate that I hadn't realize he was taking off my pants. Before I could object he slid it in real quick, my mouth formed in an O shape. So thats the type of person he is, no warning or anything.

Terrified for his life, he looked up at me,"did I hurt you?" I laughed the pain off as I shook my head, then he started back.

I was on cloud 9, he flipped me over so he was ontop and he kept beating my insides. I had bit my lip to keep from yelling, I looked over his shoulder and had to do a double-take.

As I saw a figure near my door, watching me, I wanted to say somethig but no words came out.

Is he really watching me have sex?

I thought, but then I felt him grow inside me, meaning he was about to buss. He sped up as I reached my peak with him coming right behind me.

As Jay was climaxing Teron and I locked eyes. creepy. I felt weird under his gaze, I looked away looking Jay in the eyes as I tongue kissed him.

Once I pulled back, I looked up to see Teron gone.

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