5. What the Archives Told

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Talia stared up at the stars, lost in thought. She didn't notice Sabine until she was standing next to her handing her the nightly steaming potion that was helping to make her stronger by the day.

"Thank you." she said to Sabine. "You know, centaurs believe that when you die you go up to live amongst the stars, so that you can look down on your loved ones and keep them from harm." A tear rolled silently down her face. Sabine pretended not to notice.

"I think it's a nice way to remember them. Shining down on us. Witches believe the same sort of thing, except when we die our powers and memories flow back down into the earth connecting us to our loved ones everyday while they walk around... Mmm centaurs above and witches below, maybe we really are all connected and intertwined like Hylonome said. You can't have one without the other, up and down, stars in the sky and earth below. It kind of makes sense I suppose." Sabine smiled and so did Talia. "Getting a little too deep for this time of night?" Sabine laughed.

"Drink your potion before it cools down completely, its better when it's warm." Sabine set off back to the cottage but turned just before she reached it; "I know how you feel you know. I lost my parents too. And it may seem that amongst all this madness that everyone has forgotten them but we haven't, as long as you carry them in your heart they will always be shining down on us." She smiled again and went inside and busied herself with the pots from dinner. Talia took another long look at the stars, drained her potion and joined Sabine in the kitchen.


Sabine was in the kitchen again when Hylonome burst through the door.

"I've found it. I've found it. It has taken me all morning but I found it. I've been at the archives since daybreak going over everything I looked at when I was researching the Dins Amours Bugic, and it's all there, everywhere I looked, it all links together, at some point wherever you are mentioned Sabine, well I mean the Dins Amours Bugic, but that is you so, well you know what I mean..." She stopped briefly to draw breath and Sabine quickly jumped in.

"Wait. Slow down. Have you eaten this morning? Have you drank? In fact have you even been to sleep? You know your tail hasn't completely disappeared."

"What? Oh yes ha." Hylonome shook her tail and it shrank away. "I haven't had time, I... actually is that eggs I can smell? I am quite hungry now I think about it." Sabine grinned and put out a plate and mug next to Talia's at the table.

"You can tell us all about everything you have found out after you have eaten. The others should be here by then and you will be no good to us if you waste away from lack of food." They ate their fill and just like Sabine said by the time they had cleared away the

others had arrived.

"What I found is a myth. Well that's what I always believed anyway." Hylonome began.

"Well since we have been best friends with one myth for most of our lives." said Pholus looking at Sabine and meaning the Dins Amours Bugic. "I am inclined to think that perhaps these myths aren't necessarily as myth like as they first seem."

"Yes Pholus. Again your stating of the obvious is as always enlightening." Hylonome glared at him but the playful grin she gave him as she turned away betrayed her feigning anger. "Shall I continue?" she fully grinned now and they all grinned back.

"Oh yes, by all means." said Pholus bowing in mock regality.

"I can't believe any of you can't remember any of these myths from our lessons as children."

"Listen, I think we discovered long ago that you are the scholar of our little group and the rest of us, well let's just say we had other things on our mind during lessons." Pholus laughed and extended his hand telling his friend to continue.

"Ok so, along with everything we know about Sabine and her ancestors at some point there is always a mention of the "Aesthete Go Nor""

"The Aes Go What?" asked Pholus with a confused look.

"A magical creature with amazing power, part centaur part witch. They always crop up together throughout history there is nothing that shows one without the other. They both hold power unimaginable and can do things that no witch or centaur have ever been able to do before. This we obviously already knew about the Dins Amours Bugic but the magical centaur, can also change form whenever they so wish. It doesn't have to be nightfall." They all looked at Talia.

"Have you ever changed your form in the daylight hours?" asked Chiron.

"No. Never, But then I've never tried, I didn't think we could." Talia looked round but stopped when she reached Sabine. "What is it Sabine?" She asked.

"Whilst I was nursing you back to health, in the beginning when you were unconscious, there were times during the daylight when you did take on your centaur form. I just thought it was the potions or enchantments I was performing on you, you were so ill I never for a minute thought it could have been anything else."

"That is not all I have found out." Hylonome went on. "I traced it back as far as the archives went, the Dins Amours Bugic and the Aesthete Go Nor are always in some way related through blood." Everyone looked thoroughly confused but urged Hylonome to continue. "I searched through all the records and I looked at everything that I could find that linked to your relatives Sabine and I found your uncle. The date he died fits the exact time frame that Talia would have been conceived. No other relative of yours died during that time Sabine. Talia's mother would have been carrying Talia at the time of his death and probably wouldn't have known it yet. Just like Talia told us. I think you are cousins."

Hylonome had more to say but stopped at this point whilst the words sank in around the room. Sabine crossed the room swiftly and took Talia's face in her hands.

"Just as I thought I had no family left, you did too and whilst it does not take the sting away from our losses we now know that we have each other and just as Chiron has sworn to protect you," She reached out and took his hand, and in that split second everything that had happened since the ruling melted away between them and they were Sabine and Chiron once more. "Just as he has sworn to protect you, I will stand by his side and protect you too." Talia wiped her eyes and managed to nod, overcome with emotion.

"Err... actually," Hylonome put in. "I don't actually think that Talia will need much protecting to be honest. According to the archives the Aesthete Go Nor possesses powers that equal that of the Dins Amours Bugic and if the connection is strong enough between the two they will unlock a power like no other and rivalled by nothing. Together as one, their magic binding them. Which of course is amazing, however throughout history this has never been achieved because although while there is always one the other is also there, not once have their powers ever been united, the urge to be the most powerful has always overcome the bond between the two and only once both the individuals unlock their true potential can they ever hope to unite the two. But if you do..." Hylonome looked at them both intensely. "Your powers would be rivalled by none, meaning anything is achievable and meaning peace can be restored to the realms."

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