8. The Market

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It was mid morning, and everyone was busying themselves quietly in preparation for what was to come. Chiron and Sabine would catch each other's eye and smile or touch each other gently on the arm as they passed each other. This did not go unnoticed and the rest of the group smiled to themselves glad now that things were finally "back to normal". Chiron had managed to slip out into the garden to transform in the early hours of the morning just before the sun came up, he had an hour at best. However it was just enough. He wouldn't have bothered at all but it takes a great deal of energy for a centaur to keep from changing at night and not something many centaurs could achieve, but being as Chiron had used up a lot of energy during the night he thought it best, especially with what they all had planned for today.

Talia prepared them all an early lunch, it wasn't much but she wanted to feel like she was helping as she wouldn't be going with them to the clearing. They all engaged in small talk at the dining table, it was pointless going over the plan again they all knew what was to be done. Talia cleared her throat and they all turned to look at her.

"I know that I haven't known you all for very long really, but for the first time in forever I feel like I belong, I loved living with my mother and my wonderful father who risked everything to be part of mine and my mother's lives but for the first time ever I no longer have to hide who I am and I'm learning slowly to accept that, you are all so loving and caring I feel like I have known you all my whole life. I also found out I had a cousin I never knew existed." With this she looked at Sabine and took her hand. "I've lost so much but at the same time gained more and through that gain I feel closer to what I've lost, I know it sounds stupid but that's how I feel and I just wanted to tell you all before you go and risk your lives for something up until a few months ago I didn't even know existed, that I love you all with all my heart and wherever you go my heart travels with you." She wiped away her tears and looked around the table. Everyone was so overcome, Hylonome and Sabine were outright crying and the males were all sniffing and holding back the tears. "Anyway, you better all be back here by dinner time. I am planning a very special meal and it involves all of you so you better all come back..." She lowered her eyes. "Please... all come back." One by one they got up from the table and crossed the room to Talia, they each in turn and in their own way told her that they loved her and reassured her they would be home safe and sound for dinner, when it was Sabine and Chiron's turn they approached her together each took one of her hands and kissed it.

"We will be back. Please don't use any more of your tears on us, save them for when you really need to use them." Chiron kissed her hand again and headed for the door. Sabine stayed just long enough to tell her again.

"We will be back." She pulled her into a hug and told her she loved her and then she was gone and Talia was alone in the little cottage with nothing to do but wait to hear the fate of the people she loved now more than anything else in the whole of her world.


The market clearing was as beautiful as Sabine remembered it. Soft pale green grass underfoot like a mossy carpet with dainty flower patches here and there, surrounded by the gnarled and knotted trees of the forest, each one individual and beautiful in its own rugged way. There were stalls fashioned on top of tree stumps and rocks occupied by fairies and pixies and other forest creatures, all selling their wares happy to help one another. In the middle was a magnificent statue sculpted from a huge rock hundreds of years ago and had stood the test of time. The eyes of the Centaur still looking as formidable now as Sabine was sure they looked all those years ago when it was first constructed. This Centaur was an ancestor of Centaurus, his grandfather's grandfather's grandfather or some such and Sabine could see the family resemblance around those deep set eyes and strong jaw. This reminded Sabine of the purpose for her being there and was immediately sobered by the presence of the Ogres dotted around the edges of the clearing. The beautiful, once peaceful market clearing, now somehow darkened by the huge ugly Ogres casting their massive shadows over everything near to where they stood. Though everyone still went about their business, even with the Ogres standing guard. Sabine smiled to herself and admired the creatures who still managed to carry on and continue with their everyday tasks, smiling and bartering, trading and selling. Sabine eyed each of the Ogres who in turn were eying each other, shifting their hulking weight from one foot to the other, agitated.

Something was wrong... it all felt just... wrong, Sabine turned her attention to Chiron and Pholus opposite and then over to the other side where Cyllarus and Hylonome stood. They too were looking and when their eyes met she knew they felt it too. She pulled her cloak's hood further down to cover her face and made her way around the edge of the clearing, watching carefully, the tension mounting, unspoken words were exchanged through looks and she knew they all agreed that they must continue with the plan. Then just as the tension grew to its highest all of the Ogres closed in around them. A hundred things went through Sabine's head at once, one thing in particular screaming through the rest... they know, they know! She braced herself as she was jostled by the crowd. A huge grey hand came into view from the side and she instinctively ducked expecting a fight, but the hand carried on past her and started grabbing the tiny Pixies by what looked like the handful. The Ogres monstrous hands in comparison to the tiny forms of the pixies were awful. Everyone fled, running backwards and forwards screaming. Sabine wanted to help, every fibre of her being wanted to help those poor defenceless little pixies but she knew if she did that the plan would be blown and so would their chances of ever recovering the grimoire. As hard as it was Sabine knew they had to take this opportunity, they needed a diversion, and if ever one was to present itself here it was. Now was the time if they ever had any hope of succeeding this was it. She shut her eyes to the terror that surrounded her took a breath and pressed on. She stopped beside the statue of the Centaur just in time to see Centaurus appear in the doorway of the chambers; he looked around in horror and hurried into the screaming crowd. Sabine watched as Hylonome slipped inside the exact spot that Centaurus had occupied seconds before. Minutes passed that felt like hours, but no sooner had Sabine thought she was going to have to go in after her Hylonome appeared in the doorway and slipped into the crowd. Now all they had to do was get out of the clearing without being spotted. She could no longer see any of the others so she knew they must be in amongst the crowd. She too allowed herself to be enveloped by the chaotic crowd. She kept her head down and her hood up and navigated her way through the screaming terrified sea of creatures. She was almost to the edge when she walked smack bang into the back of something that felt like a stone wall. She shook her head to shake the fuzziness.

"Watch where you are going!" boomed the stone wall. She must have hit her head. It couldn't be, no one had that much bad luck. Centaurus! "Are you un-well girl? Lift up your head and remove your hood so I can see what makes you so careless."

Her heart was racing she could hear the blood whooshing in her ears. They had been so close and now they were all going to be found out because she couldn't watch where she was going. She thought of Talia at home waiting for them all, dinner cooked and ready, and just empty seats. She thought of all of her friends captured because of her, and Chiron her Chiron; she couldn't bare the thought of anything happening to him now she had gotten him back. She saw a strong hand reach for the hood intent on pulling it back and revealing her true identity. She held her breath. And then... it happened very quickly, one minute the hand was on her hood and then the next it was jolted away to protect its owner. Something from the other side of the clearing had flown through the air and hit Centaurus straight in the head. The hand was covered in blood now and clearly more intent on finding out who had hit him, she watched him race into the crowd, shouting. "How dare you. If I catch you I will remove your hands from your arms!!!" Sabine looked over to the other side of the clearing and just caught a glimpse of Pholus who gave her a cheeky smile and a wink before disappearing into the forest.

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