14. The End Game

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After a short time they were ready and once again found themselves standing in silence together. Their original plans for attack were no longer plausible they had to adapt the plan now that Centaurus had dealt his hand. Chiron, Cyllarus, Pholus and Hylonome were all to go to the clearing as would be expected. Sabine, Talia and Muroni would wait at the forest's edge. Chiron, Pholus, Cyllarus and Hylonome were to cause a diversion, whilst Muroni was to become invisible and use his way of communicating to unnerve Centaurus and try to lure him to an area where he was alone or at least away from the crowd. At this point Sabine and Talia would do what needed to be done to end this. What that was they still did not know but they had no time to think about it. It was not the best plan in the world, but it was a plan and in the time they had it would have to do. They all embraced each other before they set off. This was it, if they failed they may never see each other again. They all said their goodbyes and good lucks trying to speak without words what they felt if this all went wrong. Chiron and Sabine said nothing but kissed passionately, expressing all that needed to be said in that one small act of love. They travelled quickly and parted in silence when they reached their destination. As Chiron, Pholus, Cyllarus and Hylonome made their way to the centre of the clearing, Pholus whispered out of the side of his mouth.

"Anyone have any idea how we are going to cause a diversion?" They all just looked at each other blankly and one by one shook their heads. "Nothing like improvisation then is there?" Grinned Pholus and then shouted at the top of his voice. "NO. I WILL NOT HIDE MY FEELINGS ANYMORE. I AM IN LOVE WITH HYLONOME CYLLARUS AND THERE IS NOTHING THAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT, WE WANT TO BE TOGETHER!" Everyone stared in amazement at the outburst, including the friends. "OH COME ON CYLLARUS, DON'T LOOK SO SHOCKED YOU MUST HAVE REALISED WHAT WAS GOING ON." Pholus looked at his friend imploringly, willing him to understand what he was trying to do. Cyllarus must have because in the next second he had punched Pholus square in the face and a full out and out brawl followed. "I thought you would never catch on." smiled Pholus as he ducked another of Cyllarus' punches. Chiron and Hylonome watched as one by one all of the creatures around them began fighting amongst themselves. Maybe it was the built up tension from all that had happened within the realm but the once peaceful community was now warring with one another.

"What is happening?" said Hylonome looking around her.

"No idea." Said Chiron but just as he did he noticed something, he grabbed Hylonome and turned her around. "Look." He said. For a split second Hylonome saw what Chiron was talking about. All around them were Vampires; a few close by had shown themselves briefly and allowed Chiron and Hylonome to hear what they were saying. They were taunting the creatures in the clearing making them believe that another was calling them names or offending them in some other way. The vampires had decided to stand with them after all and they were doing an amazing job. Chiron and Hylonome smiled at each other before searching the crowd for a sign that Centaurus had been lured away. He had not! He had joined the crowd and was thundering orders at the Ogres that surrounded the clearing. Hylonome turned to Chiron with panic on her beautiful face.

"It hasn't worked" came Muroni's voice in their heads. "It started to but he must have thought it was his imagination, the next thing he started barking his orders." Hylonome and Chiron now joined the battle. Ogres were invading the creatures of the realm who were now fighting together against the Ogres who were being distracted by little bite marks that kept appearing from nowhere. The Vampires doing their part again. It helped but the creatures of the realm were no match for the Ogres, their number was too large and the creatures were beginning to lose. Sabine and Talia watched from the edge of the forest in horror as the people they loved were thrown this way and that by the heavy handed Ogres. Sabine lost sight of Chiron and ran to the platform to get a better view. Talia followed and from their vantage point they watched as blood spilled from Centaur and Ogre alike. Their friends fought valiantly and gave the Ogres a real challenge but in the end the Ogres were winning. As they both looked down on the bloody scene below terrified for the lives of their friends and the other creatures everything suddenly slowed down. They looked at each unsure if it was happening to them both. The look they both gave each other told them it was. In that moment it all became clear, strength comes from being together, combining their power, their knowledge, their strength and wisdom creating an unbreakable bond and a power that cannot be rivalled. Together their magic binds them; standing together as one nothing can stop them. Sabine and Talia took each other's hand and one by one watched as first their friends sped back up, and then the other centaurs too and then finally everyone else. A strong wind blew around the two witches on the platform as they waved their hand this way and that instinctively twisting and crunching their hands each time dealing a devastating blow to the Ogres. As the Ogres fell one by one around Centaurus he stopped, confused, and looked around for the source of this unexpected turn of events. He found it soon enough. He set his steely gaze upon the two on the platform. His face contorted with shock and outrage.

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