12. The Spy

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Over the next week or so the friends told their story to the vampire, who listened quietly, asking questions every now and then. He was genuinely devastated to hear of Sabine's banishment and likewise Talia's attack and parents' death. By the time their story was told Muroni felt like he had lived it with them. He settled in well to the change in his environment and was spoiled for choice when it came to feeding, all of the friends offering their wrists as and when required. Pholus insisted that he live with him at his home, and Muroni would have obliged willingly, however it was decided that for the time being it would be better if no one saw the two together too often at least until Muroni had done what was required and so he stayed in the cottage with Sabine and Talia. He entertained with stories from the past and that of his fellow Vampires. He developed a strong bond with Talia as she was who, besides Pholus, he spent most time with. Sabine and Chiron when not discussing tactics or translating the grimoire spent as much time together as they could, making up for lost time and (without saying it out loud) in case they didn't have much time left. They were all aware that what they were planning to do was dangerous and could potentially end all of their lives; they were however all more than willing to do what was right for the good of the realm. They told Muroni it was his choice if he joined them and wouldn't blame him if he decided to leave, but he was certain he wanted to join and do his part. The war had affected all the creatures in the realm and the vampires were no stranger to the harshness of Centaurus' rule. Since the ancient warlocks had been murdered it had become more and more apparent to the vampires that Centaurus meant to take control. Muroni had told them all it was easy to hear things when you are so small and keep yourselves from the attention of most. Centaurus was old and stubborn and unable to comprehend anything he had no understanding of. He had never given them the time of day. To him the vampires were just a creature that shared the area in which he resided. He knew nothing of their history and had never spoken with or gotten to know any of them, therefore his ignorance of them was a weakness he didn't know he had. If he had just taken the time to talk to even one of them he would have realised that their history was intertwined with his own. Instead he dismissed them as nothing but an insect to be swatted away on a hot day and therefore didn't bother to be discreet when they were around because he didn't ever notice that they were there.

"From this we have learned many things." Muroni told his new friends. "For example, that grimoire that you spend your days deciphering, was never donated to the archives. It was taken with force by Centaurus and the records were falsified." A rumble of outrage spread around the room.

"What force exactly?" Sabine asked her voice trembling with rage. Muroni's face softened when he looked at her.

"You say that your grandfather died before you were born. Yes?"

"Yes there was a tragic accident down at the stream. My grandfather was old and quite unsteady on his feet, it is believed that he slipped on the wet rocks nearby and fell and hit his head. He was unconscious as he fell into the stream and he drowned. My mother and Mamar were devastated naturally because although he was old, his mind was still brilliant and he had, many believed, many more years of life left." Sabine was saddened, she had never met her grandfather but his memory had been kept alive by her mother and Mamar and so to speak of his untimely death made her grow sorrowful.

"I am afraid that I am about to destroy everything that you ever thought you knew about that day." Muroni was also now deeply saddened. "If I had known you before or maybe one of your family things may have been different, maybe none of this would have

happened at all. In truth I am as guilty as Centaurus himself." Everyone looked at Muroni with confused looks but he continued. "As you know I hold you all now very close and so this saddens me more because of it. Before I continue I need you all to understand we vampires have been within the realm for longer than even the Centaurs. We are immortal beings, the only immortal beings throughout all of the realms. Centaurs can live for centuries yes, as you know from Centaurus; however none are blessed or cursed, whichever you choose, to live an eternal existence. We can be killed from wounding but not from natural causes. Until we came here we moved around from realm to realm never settling for long before moving on again. We arrived here at the same time as the warlocks. They took the time to get to know us and respected our privacy; they left us to grow our families and never imposed on us. More and more creatures joined the community and were drawn by the calmness and tranquillity. Instead of moving on we stayed also drawn in by the beauty around us. When the Centaurs came here we were all, vampires and warlocks alike extremely pleased to grow our little community even more. Everyone got on well and for a while it was a pleasant peaceful existence, but before long it became clear that a young Centaur was different. Centaurus. He was cruel and ordered his young friends around. As he grew up he became less and less tolerant of others. He was the great great grandson of an extremely powerful but fair Centaur that sat at the head of the Elders council, his parents and all of his family had died in battle years before and so was brought up by this powerful figure and because of this thought himself untouchable. When his great great grandfather died he took his place at the head of the Elder council. The first thing he did after taking his seat was to order the construction of the statue that sits in the clearing to this day. He was a young powerful creature even then and everyone looked up to him, he was commanding and appeared in all he did to be working for the good of the realm. He had a passion within him that most found safe and inviting and all were happy to hear his theories. In reality though he was power hungry and wanted to control and lead not guide and nurture. He disguised it well, but those of us who saw and heard him out of the eyes and ears of those he deceived saw his true nature, even then too ignorant of things he knew nothing about to be mindful. We realised then that to survive we vampires must continue to stay out of his radar. Some of our number moved on again but a lot of us were tired of fleeing and decided to stay. And so we listened and learned but vowed to stay quiet in order to preserve our kind."

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