11. Really? Vampires?

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They talked at length about the previous day. Pholus and Cyllarus told them what they had learned. It had transpired that the few pixies that were left in the clearing were mostly ok, one or two had cuts and bruises but on the whole were in good health. Everyone was not however in good spirits. Most were scared and worried for their family members that had been taken away by the Ogres. And all of the other creatures were also understandably terrified that they would be next. Centaurus had apparently discovered that the grimoire was missing soon after he left the bank with the Ogre.

Luckily in the confusion from the clearing many of the pixies had taken shelter inside the council chambers and when the Ogres had followed many things had been destroyed and trampled, Centaurus had assumed the grimoire had been lost amongst the rubble. Sabine and Talia explained that they could somehow understand the language in the grimoire and hoped that somewhere in the pages it would explain how and why they could. They also explained that the book contained what looked like a collection of spells and information, hand written directly onto the pages by the many different warlocks of the past. And they weren't even a quarter of the way through it. It was going to take some time.

After lunch the females went back to the grimoire and the males sat and discussed again what action they thought they should take. They had already been through this the night before but until the grimoire was fully translated they were unable to do anything else.

"What we need is a spy. Someone who can sneak in unnoticed and undetected and then report back what they find out." said Pholus. Cyllarus and Chiron looked at their friend and Cyllarus answered with sarcasm,

"Oh yes that's just what we need, hold on, shall I pop on my invisibility hood and stroll down there now? Of course we need a spy you joker but in case you hadn't noticed we are all out of them right now, and I'm almost certain that the invisibility hood isn't actually a real thing."

"Now now Cyllarus there's no need to be like that, I'm well aware that I am stating the obvious but I am fresh out of ideas." Pholus frowned and his beautiful features hardened.

"Both of you stop." Chiron said at once. "It is bad enough that we have no way of moving forward from this point at present, but bickering amongst ourselves is not the answer either." Pholus and Cyllarus knew he was right, the frustration they all felt should not be taken out on each other. They looked up with slight shame in their eyes, apologized and grinned at each other. At this Hylonome looked up from her work and joined the conversation.

"We could always donate to the vampire bank... if you donate they let you take one home with you... they need all the donations they can get, they can only survive by drinking blood but have vowed never to take it by force, they are so small, we would really be helping them if we did..." The room became completely silent and everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at her blankly with their mouths open trying to work out if she was being serious or had gone a little crazy. She frowned at them all but ignored the shock on their face and carried on. "...And most importantly, they are loyal companions and perfect stealth animals." Everyone still looked unconvinced. Hylonome continued with a little more frustration in her voice than before. "They are super intelligent and can make themselves invisible!" She spoke slowly like she was teaching small children something new. Looking around the room at each of her friends she watched as slowly one by one the realization sank in.

It was actually a great idea, vampires could become invisible and they were very small and also very loyal friends, they could also fly, which would come in very handy. In fact vampires were actually very fascinating creatures, they had the power to heal wounds by drinking from the wounded area (the only time they drank blood without permission) and they did not communicate by talking but in fact directly through the mind.

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