1. The Youngling

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"A spot of the green one, a little of the yellow... Now what? Yes the golden one...... 1, 2, 3 drops..."

The surface of the mixture bubbled to life sending spirals of steam up to the rocky ceiling. She could feel the power rising inside her, it was working! She was instantly beginning to feel cleansed and grounded; she closed her eyes and allowed it to fill her up.

Tap tap tap in the distance, ignoring it she continued to bask in the moment. Starting to feel the effects of her meditation, she smiled to herself her eyes still closed, and then tap tap tap again somewhere far off but somehow closer this time. BANG! BANG! BANG! Her eyes snapped open a trace of the smile still on her lips. Who was that? It was late, very late, too late for anyone to be wondering around in the forest. BANG! BANG! BANG! She quickly extinguished the fire beneath the bubbling potion with a wave of her hand and headed for the door. She opened it just a crack.

"You!" she said her dark eyes blazing.

"Yes me." the creature replied quietly. She took in his form; handsome features; dark hair and dark skin with piercing blue eyes, always so composed and calculated, did those eyes now betray him? She was sure she could see panic there now lingering just behind the brightest shade of blue. She looked away for a split second and then back again and the panic was gone, in its place the composed features back once more.

"Why have you come?" she demanded. He looked down into her weathered but beautiful face and closed his eyes.

"Your help is required." She almost laughed out loud.

"My help? I was under the impression that my help would never be required again." She paused after for dramatic effect and eyed him angrily for a full twenty seconds. She thought she should have slammed the door on him there and then but she didn't, she left it open just a little and walked into the tiny entrance hall. He slowly moved forwards into the space and closed the door. "What exactly is it that you require my help with?" she asked eyeing him suspiciously. She turned and walked into the kitchen so as to give them more room and put a little more space between them. The sound of his footsteps echoed on the cobblestone floor as he followed. "The last I was aware was that you were never to come here again... a rule as I recall you were more than happy to abide by. That is what you said, was it not?" She spat these last words at him as though she couldn't stand the taste of them. He closed his eyes again blocking out the beautiful blue.

"Now is not the time to talk of that." he replied almost in a whisper as if each word he spoke caused him great pain.


"I have told you, your help is required. A youngling has been found down by the stream, she is hurt."

"Why should I care?" she retorted. "Ask someone else to help; I have nothing more to say on the subject."

"There is no one else who can help." She looked up in spite of herself.

"She has magic?" she asked him knowing the answer already; he would not have come to her if not. Only magic heals magic. He nodded his head just a fraction.

"It appears that way, yes." But she was the only one left - or so they all thought, this war throughout the realm had seen to that - but a youngling - she knew why this was so important, this, this magic youngling had to be saved.

"Who knows about this?" she asked.

"Not many." he answered "However each can be trusted." She nodded briefly to show she understood it was only his closest that knew.

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