Chapter 1: Luna Kennedy

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The picture is of the dress Luna is wearing.


"Luna honey, we need to leave in 30 minutes. Have you got everything packed for after?" Mum, who was holding her favourite rose patterned mug filled with a latte in her hands, inquired as I walked into the large kitchen. I smiled and nodded my head, quickly scanning the room for my younger brother, Miles. Unable to spot him, I quickly took the opportunity to ask Mum if she had any idea where he was.

"I just finished Mum. Where's Miles?" I responded, quickly brushing myself off. My clothing wasn't even dirty, but I was wearing one of my favourite dresses, plus this was a big night.

"I think he's still packing sweetie, why don't you go help him?" Mum said, just as Dad entered the kitchen, jumping into the conversation with 'yeah he is' and a kiss to my forehead.

"You look great Luna." Dad complemented, just as I pivoted in a semi circle to head back upstairs to help Miles out.

"Thanks Dad, I'm really excited for the show tonight! You're so going to win the award Mum!' I laughed excitedly, proud of my Mum's supreme acting skills as she had been nominated for best actress in a leading role at the Oscar awards. She was the main protagonist in 'Misconception', an amazing film that explores the concept of being deceived. Anyway, Mum was surely going to win it, no doubt!

I headed upstairs, passing by several of the rooms to get to Miles'. As I reached his door, I gently knocked, waiting for his response.

"I've almost finished Dad!" He called, making me giggle. That's my 14 year old brother for you, quick to assume things. I take grasp of the wooden handle of the door as I push it open, stepping right into my brother's messy room. As I entered, I could immediately see clothes scattered all over the place. He really didn't say he's "almost finished",did he? It would have made more sense to put everything on his bed and then pack it all up systematically, but for my brother, chucking everything everywhere other than it's original place would work out fine.

"Miles!" I laughed, if this was my brother's idea of packing, then he really needed to rethink it.

"What's so funny?! Do you know how hard it is to pack?!" He responded frustratedly, stuffing more items into his suitcase as some of his hair fell out of place and into his face due to the aggression in his movements.

"First of all, yes I do. Second of all, let me help." I sighed, still with a smile on my face as I went around Miles' room picking up anything that I thought he would need or want. I then helped him place them in the suitcase, which was starting to fill up by the second.

"Why do we have to go to London after the awards show anyway?!" Miles moaned, acting like a complete baby. He knew the reason why really, but he just wanted to stay in LA and live as normal of a life as possible.

"Because Dad wants to! Plus he's meeting up with his old crew that were with him when he was a rock star." I stated, hoping Miles would get the message. At the mention of the awards show, I had noticed that Miles hadn't got his outfit on and he was in casual clothes.

"Damn it Miles! Get your outfit on while I finish your packing." I ordered, now frustratedly jamming more things into the now almost overloaded suitcase.

"How can I change when you're here?"

"Change in my room if you have to." I said simply, frustrated with how unorganised my brother was. I wish he knew how important it was to be planned for these things. I guess he just doesn't see the importance of decently preparing yourself in front of the media. That or he didn't really care too much.

Miles walked out the room with the suit he was supposed to be wearing, giving me time to sort out his suitcase properly. Once I know that everything's packed, I zip it up and give my best attempt of moving the heavy load off of his bed and onto the floor so it could be wheeled to the lift and to the car. It doesn't really work out too well as the weight of the suitcase is too much for me to move. Luckily Miles, who finally looked like he was attending an important evening, stepped in and easily moved it.

"Luna, you really need to start using the gym." Miles chuckled, finding my struggle amusing.

"Whatever." I dismissed, knowing that deep down he was kind of right. I usually just went for jogs or did some sports to stay healthy, but Miles was right. We had a gym in our house and I never even stepped foot in there.

As we (meaning Miles actually doing the work while I stood by and watched) loaded the boot with both of our suitcases, Dad and Mum met us outside, locking up the house and entering the car. Me and Miles joined them after making sure all of the luggage was in the boot.

That was it, and off to the awards show we went.

Hey guys! So chapter 1 is up! Do you guys like it? Let me know in the comments! Plus, make sure to give fluu0ride and Fluuctuate a big follow and read her books; Stop Me and its sequel Lose Me and the amazing Untouchable.

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I love you all xx


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