Chapter 2: Chasing Romeo Beckham.

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I stepped out of the car, blinded by the multiple flashes of light coming from the cameras the photographers had so desperately grasped a hold of. They did as they would every single time, bombarding us and filling our ears with the nonsense they always talked. The security reached our car, helping us past the horde of flashing lights and overly-eager photographers, still clicking away at the sight of us. As we started walking along the red carpet, where all photographers should have been, most attention had been diverted from us by a new celebrity arrival. Thank who-ever the new celebrity was, because I couldn't stand all the attention. In fact, I hate photography altogether! It's just a random boy or girl behind a camera taking pictures of whatever. I mean, where are the skills and difficulty in that? Real talent is something that not many people could do; or even something that is difficult. Goodness sake, I could take a photo of a flower if I liked!

Anyway, enough about my hatred towards photography, let's focus on the fact that soon we were able to enter the main lobby, where celebrities were free to mingle just before taking to their seats and enjoying the show. As we entered, Mum spotted some of the crew she had worked with on 'Misconception', suggesting that we all greeted them. Miles, however, had come up with some sad excuse about finding friends around his age rather than standing by some random adults. Dad and Mum were resistant to let him wonder off by himself at first, but allowed it to be when Miles stated how I would be with him, so off we went to 'mingle.'

"What have you dragged me into this time Miles?" I sighed, following my speedy brother as he paced through the crowd of celebrities with no true destination. Trying to keep up with him was one thing, but not losing him in such a crowd was the other.

"Nothing, I just want to find someone at least my age!" Miles called back, but by the time I had turned the way he had darted off to, he was gone, lost in a crowd of people. Great, Mum and Dad are going to kill me.

"Miles!" I called out, hoping he was somewhere within plain sight. I got no reply, suggesting to me that he had continued to pace through the lobby and probably somewhere else by now. I gave up with calling his name, knowing there was no way he could hear me with all the chatter going on. I decided to take a look around, noticing Mum and Dad were still deep in conversation and Miles was still nowhere within sight.

After having a good look around, someone had bumped into me from behind. I turned to face them, seeing that it was an out of breath boy who looked around 13. Oh, it was Romeo Beckham. Wow, fancy seeing him here.

"Sorry, excuse me!" He said, disappearing with a smile on his face as he darted past me. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused. As soon as I was about to follow Romeo, Miles, who seemed to be chasing after him had shouted 'Luna! You could have stopped him!'

I stopped Miles in his track, needing answers from him.

"What the hell are you doing?! This is an awards show not a playground; and Romeo Beckham, why the hell were you chasing him?!" I said fiercely, outraged at my brother's behaviour so far. I get that he's just a boy trying to have fun, but he needs to remember that we're known by a lot of people, and any wrong move would ruin this families reputation!

"It's a bit of fun Luna! Gosh, you just need to ch...."

"Don't you dare tell me to chill! You, mister, need to realise that you can't go running after someone like a headless chicken at an awards show!" I shouted, seemingly catching the attention of those around me, including Mum and Dad.

"Luna? What's wrong honey?" Mum asked, seeing how red-faced I had become.

"Miles thought it would be funny to run off and then chase after Romeo Beckham like they were at a playground or something!" I said, trying to calm my anger for the sake of the family's reputation.

"Please take to your seats as the show is about to begin!" Someone through a speaker announced, taking the attention away from us as multiple celebrities headed towards the main stage and seating area.

"You two, we'll speak about this later." Dad said, pointing sternly at the both of us, before gesturing us to follow him towards our seats.

A/N: Okay, so here's chapter 2! Yes, Luna seems like a grumpy old sod, I get it, but don't worry! You'll soon grow to like her, I promise. For now though, Luna isn't the nicest of beings and you'll soon see why. Things start to change around for her very soon though.

I hope you liked this chapter!

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