After art we had english. On the way there, I was thinking about Jade's answer. What if she says yes when Owain comes up to her? How could I come to school knowing that Jade goes out with Owain? Why out of everyone Owain?
"Hey Jade. Got an answer for me yet?" Owain made sure that he was infront of me so that he could look me in the eyes.
"I told you, at the end of the day. Have patience Owain." Her voice is strict but sweet at the same time. Owain plasters a fake smile on and turns to go to the back of the line where Kaeden was. Kaeden is Owain's best friend.
"Hey Jade."
"Do you know what ur answer is gonna be?"
"What are you gonna say?"
"That's between me and my self."During english, Leo asked if I wanted to prank someone. Obviously I agreed, so we set it into action when our teacher left the class for a bit.
"Mike quick! Pass me my bag!" Leo all but yelled across the class. I threw his navy-blue bag at him. He's quite athletic so he caught it easily.
"Leo c'mon! Teachers coming!" Me and Leo rushed back to our seats just before Mr Davies, the headmaster, walked in.
SPLASH! The water bucket we set up went off and soaked Mr Davies. After that feathers got thrown onto him and one stuck on the tip of his nose.
"WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS MESS?!" The headmaster sounded very angry. "Do you know who did this Jade Thomas?" He went politer. Jade was always good at her work so all the teachers new her.
"No sir I don't. When they were setting it up I was reading my book." She didn't tell on us. Jade Thomas, the good girl, did not tell him that it was me and Leo.
"I know who did it sir!" Of course Owain tells. "It was Michael James and Leo Harding." Thank you so much Owain. Sir asks to see us immediately and I, as always, take the blame for Leo. Mostly because he has strict parents who warned him about moving him to a different school if he gets in trouble. Mr Davies bought it and let him go. I got detention for the next few days. He said that it was unacceptable and to just go back to normal pranks. When I left his office I realised that he said for me to go home, not back to class. I go ask him to check.
"Sir you said to go home, but there is still 20 minutes left of class. Where should I go?" I ask as politely as I can.
"Go home Michael. Go get your bag upstairs, I'll call your teacher to let her know. Just don't speak to anyone."
I do exactly what he says. I go up to top floor, the school is 4 stories tall. I knock on the door and the teacher gestures for me to come in quietly. It looks like everyone is doing a test. Ignoring them, I go pack my bag and off I go.

The Life Of Michael James
JugendliteraturMike is the average 12 year old boy in Bryntawe which is a welsh speaking school. Follow Mike on his journey as his friends make bad mistakes, his 2 year crush gets a boyfriend, and he faces being expelled from school. Authors note I am only 12 so...