Chapter 1

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A/N: Before I begin I'd just like to say that this is a one shot. It might suck so... Bleh. I got this idea from an RP I did once. And I'm obviously not Rick Riordan. So bye. If it's good... Which it's not, don't be afraid to comment. Oh and this will have curse words. Don't cry about it. This fanfiction is kind of (not exactly) a joke. Leo is q major flirt (like creepy flirt) and Nico is a... Idk anymore. So I hope you all
find this enjoyable. And guess what. I am the supreme ultra lord of the universe so if your a hater #dealwith it ~Nico

Nico's POV
I shook Leo. "C'mon Leo! Wake up!" He grunted. He obviously didn't want to be disturbed. Too bad... There's no way I'm going alone. Leo's my only decent friend who isn't my sister. "Whaaaaaaaaattt????" Leo groaned in a sluggish tone. "We're going to McDonalds." I said with a hint of confidence. Leo, being the huge butt he is, tried to go back to sleep. Great. Now I have to be a LONER! Wait... I wasn't gonna give up that easy. "C'mon Leo!" I said, with a deadly glare. It was good Leo was scared of me, because that got up to shot up right out of the bed. "Fiiiiiiiinnnnne." He groaned. I smirked. The Ghost King always wins. I was actually feeling pretty self-confident. Until Leo being the jackass he is decided to wreak my self-esteem once again. "Let's go Ghost Princess." Gods, I hate him. "We're gonna shadow travel..." I then realized we were gonna have to hold hands. Great. Leo was gonna make some stupid joke about it. "Grab my hand." I said. He looked at me like I just told him to go sit on a cow pie. "Why so... Do you like me?" He smirked and raised his eyebrows in a flirtatious way. "To shadow travel idiot." What was that look I saw on his face. Was that... Disappointment? He grabbed my hand and gave me a fierce gaze that said: let's-get-this-over-with. I shadow traveled to McDonalds, and I don't think Leo knew we were there yet, because he didn't let go of my hand. To my surprise, he did know we were there and led me inside... STILL HOLDING MY HAND! I blushed... Wait why did I blush? No way... No way in hell. I had a crush on Leo Valdez. "What do ya want?" The cashier asked snappily. Rude! I looked at her name tag and it said: WATERMELONDRIA BOOQUISHA. "Two happy meals." I said leaving out the 'please'... It made me feel like a rebel. Teehee. She threw two happy meals at us. "There ya go. I hope ya choke to death." Aw... I feel SO welcome. I forgot that Leo was holding my hand. "Dude you can stop holding my hand now." He didn't listen and pulled me over to a table and sniffed his food. Gods, he was weird. I think I'm going to McDonalds alone next time. I ate my happy meal quietly as Leo sniffed and gave me weird looks. "Hey princess you know you want some of this." He said flexing his muscles... Oh wait he had none. "Join Team Leo bro!" He said. Was he drunk? "Dude. That food is poisoning you." And then he kissed me...

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