chapter 2

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Once I got to school I went the office and got my timetable, the day was easy enough most of my classes just talked about what they did over the summer. Lunch was the only part of the day i didn't enjoy, I sat alone and watched all the other students with their friends. I told myself it would get easier I would make friends and eat with them, it was only the first day anyway. I can't say I didn't jump out of my seat and rush out of the classroom when the final bell rung. I was mentally exhausted and wanted nothing more than to get home. 

I took the same path home walking extra slow past Luke's house to see if he was home, I didn't see his car so I picked up my pace and went on my way home. I don't know why I was so interested in this boy I knew nothing about besides his name. 

I was almost home when I saw a car that looked strikingly similar to Luke's. same cracked paint job, same color, and most importantly same boy, it was Luke's car and the boy that was rude to me this morning was in it. They were playing music, loudly and when they started getting closer t me they slowed down, rolled the windows down and the dark haired boy wolf whistled at me. The car sped up again and I could hear the boys laughing from the car. 

I ignored them and walked the rest of the way to my house. Once i got home I went to my room, used the restroom and changed out of my clothes. I put on my bathing suit and pulled on high waisted shorts over my bottoms and a knit top to cover my top. 

I was going to explore my new town and the beach. 

I grabbed an apple and texted my mom telling her I wouldn't be home until later.

The walk to the beach was short and calm and the beach wasn't crowded either. 

I took off my sandals and held them in my hand as i walked along the waters edge. I loved the feeling of the sand rushing from beneath my feet as the water lapped up on the shore. As i walked i picked up some sea shells that i thought were pretty thinking i could use them sometime in my life. I walked for what seems like forever. The sun began to set when i finally realized how long i had been gone, but i didn't care my mom probably wasn't even home yet, so i had no where to be. I walked about one hundred yard before i came upon something I never would have guessed i would have. 

There was an old swing set with only two swings, it was on the shore line in a part of the beach thck with overgrowth. there was no doubt that this was someones and still in use. Empty beer bottles littered the sand all around the tiny swing set.  

No one was around so i set my sandals down on the damp sand and walked over to the swings, getting on one and well, started swinging. I

I don't know how long i was swinging i didn't care, it gave me a sense of freedom, like i could finally forget about the world and just fly. It was dark out and I had stopped swinging, but still sat on the swing dangling my feet in the water when I heard  rustling in the overgrowth behind me. 

Startled I hopped off the swing, my feet in the water, and turned around. I could barely see anything due to the creeping darkness of night, but I could tell the noise was a boy. He didn't notice me until he was out of the overgrowth. He seemed startled to see me, but I was shocked to see him, because standing right in front of me on the beach was none other than Luke. 

"Wha- what are you doing here? and who are you?" He stood to his full height looming over me as he stared at me waiting to answer.

"I'm Scarlett and I was just walking on the beach and saw the swings, but I can ask you the same thing." I put my hands on my hip and stared right back at him.

"I'm Luke." He walked past me and sat on the swing looking off at the ocean. 

"You only answered one question." I went back to the swing and sat down next to him. "Why are you here?" I questioned.

"I come here to think sometimes." His reply was short, but a million other questions came to my mind. 

"I saw you this morning" I didn't even think before i said it. 

Luke turned to me his eyes wide; my face was hot. I should not have said that.

"You what?" Luke raised his voice looking right at me.

"I-I was walking to school this morning and I saw you and your mom fighting this moring and then your very kind friend pushed me and got in your car." I told the story keeping it short. "oh and you drove past me after school and the same friend whistled at me." I finished and looked at him waiting for him to tell me I was a freak and a stalker, but the words never came. Instead he laughed at me. 

Luke laughed at me. 

"That was you?" he continued laughing barely getting his words out. "oh my god that was you."

"That's what I just said, yes it was me." thanks for the consideration.

He stopped laughing. 

"Sorry, i don't know why i thought that was so funny.

"Its whatever." I sighed and got up, deciding I would go home.

"Where are you going?" LUke asked as i put my shoes on.

"Home, bye Luke." I waved and walked away

"Come back tomorrow I wanna get to know you." Luke yelled after me.

"maybe, Luke." I turned and waved one last time before going home.


Now Scarlett and Luke have met. Do you think she will go back tomorrow? 

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