chapter 4

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Luke and I drove down street after street, everything became less familiar to me as we drove. The road twisted and turned along the beach until it came to an end at a old unused parking lot. Luke parked his car and turned the engine off. He looked at me expectantly. 

"Where are we?" I asked 

"The swings, well not technically, but yeah the swings." Luke said it as it were obvious.

"Luke I don't see any swings all I see is an old creepy parking lot." I sighed and leaned back in the car seat massaging  my temples with my hands.

"You can't see them from here silly." Luke's smile was ever present, almost permanent on his face.

"Stop being stupid where are the swings." I was getting mad at Luke and just wanted to go to the swings.

"Get out of the car. I'll show you." Luke stepped out of the car and walked around to my door opening it and holding his hand out for me."Come on, you can trust me I promise." He grabbed my hand and started walking to the treeline at the edge of the parking lot.

We got to the trees and Luke was still holding my hand and he started to lead me into the trees.

"Wait, Luke what are you doing. I'm not going in there." I pulled my hand away from him and crossed my arms over my chest. 

"Trust me, okay." Luke's voice was sincere and he reached for my hand again pulling me into the trees.

We walked through the thick underbrush of the trees, Luke still held my hand and with his free hand held back branches for me to pass through. After walking throught the trees for about three minutes we came to a clearing. Luke held the tree branches back for me and I ducked under them and went to the clearing Luke following close behind. 

Once we were out of the trees I saw the swings. I turned around to look at Luke who had a smug look on his face.

"I told you so, Scarlett." He walked past me and sat down on the swing and looked at me.

I made my way over to the swing and sat down on it kicking my legs back and forth. 

"So.." Luke trailed off 

"What did you wanna talk about?" 

"You" Luke smiled and started swinging.

"How about I tell you one fact about me and then you tell me a fact about you." 

"Okay sounds easy enough." Luke agreed to my idea.

"I'm 16 and my birthday is May 18." I swung higher and higher feeling the breeze through my hair and breathing in the scent of the ocean.

"I'm 17 and my birthday is July 16, but you just said the same thing so i'll say another fact. Um I'm in a band." 

"That's so cool what do you play, and I love reading."

"I sing and play guitar." Luke moved his hair out of his eyes. "and I love staying up and watching movies."

"Will you sing for me?" I asked.

"One day definitely, but its getting late and I need to take you home so your mom doesn't flip out" with that Luke got off his swing and stood in front of mine stopping me and holding my swing directly in front of him. 

Luke was holding the swing close to him and pushed my legs apart so he could stand between them and looked down on me. He started leaning in and his nose was touching mine, he reached up and moved a strand of hair out of my face.My heart was beating ou of my chest.

Slowly he leaned in and his lips brushed over mine, but never connected with them. He pulled back and looked at me blue eyes gleaming bright in the late afternoon light. 

"We should probably go now." Lukes voice was almost a whisper as he grabbed my hand and pulled me off the swing and back into the trees.

We got back in Lukes car and drive back to my house, me giving Luke directions there.

"Well I guess I'll see you tomorrow them?" My words came out as a question. I was still hazy from our almost-kiss.

"Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow." Luke smiled as I got out of his car and walking into my house.


Wow this is a really short chapter. Sorry they won't all be this bad. Thanks for reading everyone comment vote and fan if you want okay. :)))

Follow me on twitter too because I'll be tweeting when im about to update. @sinfulniall 

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