Chapter 3

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After an eventful mission, Shepard called a shore leave since they were on Illium. She said she needed a break and she wanted to let her hair down. But even outside of work, Shepard was so compassionate and helpful.

She fixed a broken relationship, freed a quarian slave, and released a group of humans from a contract that allowed horrible research to be done on them. He found this to be so admirable, she not only could shoot you in the blink of an eye, but she could also fix any problem. Except his horrible romance skills.

Miranda decided to stay and talk with her sister since they were going to be on Illium for a while, she wanted to catch up with her. The rest of the crew had other things to tend to, surprisingly Thane actually left the ship as well. That seemed extremely out of character for him, but he said he 'had business to attend to' which made him seem slightly more mysterious.

Dear mother Miranda told her to take her out more often, even if she just saw it in a friendly way. This would be simple enough.

She said she wanted to buy new pieces of armor, not the most romantic thing to choose to do for a date, but he just wanted to see her happy. In her typical Shepard manor she was able to negotiate the price down.

"Garrus, what do you think of this one," she looked at a chest plate with questionable stare,"It can hold more ammo, but the one I already have can withstand damage more."

Yet another one of Miranda's tips coming to play. Women love good listeners.

"I think you should keep the one you have, if you ever run out of ammo you could just use your biotics,"

She nodded at the advice,"Yeah, you're right."

She smiled at him. He was finally getting somewhere. He had to make sure that he gave a thank you speech to Miranda on their wedding day.

"I was actually wondering if I could take you out to eat?" He asked nervously. She hesitated for a moment at the sudden offer, but decided to agree anyways.

"You pay this time, but next time's on me,"

"Shepard, don't you want a little more than that to eat?" He asked while looking down at her plate.

"I'm not used to eating a lot anymore," she chuckled softly,"military portions ya know?"

He nodded, knowing all too well how little you got to eat when you were on any type of military vessel. He just didn't expect her to constantly eat that little, but he supposed that was how she kept her perfect figure.

Supple breast. Thin waist. Flat stomach. Perfectly arched back. He was staring at those amazing features without even noticing it. Creepy on his part, but Shepard didn't really mind it.

She tilted her head slightly. Her neck was beautiful. Perfect coloration and super soft. The butterfly tattoo was still there as always.

She'd told him about how she got it. When she turned 18 she did it without her parents permission just to piss them off. She didn't know what to get and a butterfly was what she was thinking of at the time, so she got that. He told her he liked it, he thought it was pretty even though he didn't know what a butterfly was.

"Ok Garrus, seriously, why are you staring like that? Do I have something on my face or something?" Her voice broke through his thoughts, waking him up from his daydream.

"No no," he reached his talon out and stroked over the tattoo,"I was just looking at this."

"One day, we should go to Earth so you can see a real butterfly," she said placing her hand over his.

"That'd be nice," he said without even realizing the words were coming out.

Then there was silence between them. Not the bad silence, but the good kind. He removed his talon from the side of his neck, but she didn't release it.

With her hand in his talon they just looked in others eyes. Neither of them daring to speak because neither of the wanted to ruin the moment.

"Garrus…" she whispered out softly,"This feels….kinda nice."

This was his chance. He could tell her his feelings right now. An opportunity like this would take forever to come again.

"Shepard, I have something to tell you," his mandibles were fluttering uncontrollably, but he ignored it.

"Yes, Garrus?"


"Shepard is that you?" He was cut off by the loud obnoxious yelling of a male behind her. He ran over to their table and stared at her,"Yeah it is you! How've you been?"

"Alex, hey, its been a while, huh?" she stood, pulling her hand away and placing it on the boy's shoulder. He smiled and hugged her tightly.

"Jesus Shepard, you sure know how scare someone! I heard you were dead!"

"I was uh…." She thought for a moment,"Missing in action,"

Garrus sat at the table quietly. Dumbfounded. He should've known that he wouldn't be able to do it. It wasn't going to be as easy as he wanted.

The boy clearly had feelings for Shepard. He was doing all the things he was to try to get her. Physical contact. Listening. Being nice.

Garrus was feeling... jealous and turian jealousy was not something that she be messed with. They were a very territorial race, often getting jealous easily over the smallest things. And now was a very small thing.

He wanted to kill this boy just for looking at his Shepard, but he didn't want to scare her off. Shepard was the only thing keeping him from murdering him in cold blood.

"Shepard, I've gotta go. There are some calibrations I need to do,"

She sighed out in sadness,"Aw really, they can't wait. I was hoping all three of us could hang out together."

"No I need to get to them now," he just didn't want to be near him. That boy who was toying with Shepard. He needed time alone. Lots of time alone to clear his head. He hated having to cut the date short, but it was worth it to keep him from going to jail.

"Ok I'll catch you on the ship Garrus,"

Here he was again. Back on his lonely cot in the Main Battery. He was an idiot, a huge dumbass. He didn't deserve Shepard if he wasn't able to hang out with her friend

He never asked Miranda about whether or not human women actually liked jealous men. But he decided not to take the chance.

He actually did do those calibrations though. Calibrating a big gun was like a vacation for him.

He heard the Main Battery door opening. He didn't turn around, just talked while continuing that calibrating.

"Need something?" He asked

"Is everything ok? You left so suddenly," Shepard.

"I-I uh just didn't feel like staying on Illium anymore,"

"My friend was getting worried. He thought he did something,"

Damn right he did something. He ruined evey chance he had with the girl of his dreams.

"No no, it's fine," he decided to try to take interest in her friends,"So how do you and him know each other?"

"Oh, we dated in the alliance training,"

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