Chapter 9

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"That went great!" Shepard said sarcastically, he father had only just left and she immediately went back to the Main Battery when he did. She said she wanted to check on him, see how he was doing after the little incident. Of course he wasn't ok, but Spirits he had to lie.

"Shepard listen, I…..I'm OK," he sighed after this lie. Her father admitted to hating him, and right after that he literally said he liked her ex more then he liked him. Words could not describe how much this killed him on the inside, the first man in her life hated him inside and out.

"Garrus it's not ok, I'm going to talk to him later,"

"Do you think he just hates me because I'm turian?" the words just slid out on their own. When he looked up at her, she seemed surprised,"You heard what he said, he loves Kaiden, but not me. Is it because I'm not human like you?"

"Garrus, my dad's not like that,"

He scoffed. From the way things were looking her father clearly hated him. He understood that he wanted to protect his daughter, he understood that he only wanted what was best for her, but he was trying his hardest to be the best man he could for her.

"Commander, Officer Vakarian," Thane's deep voice broke through the silence between them.

"Oh Thane, I didn't see you there,"

"Well I do believe that is a part of my job," he smirked and adjusted his shirt slightly. He wasn't wearing his usual all leather outfit. He was in something more loose and casual. It wasn't very colorful though, the primary colors being grey and black, but it was unusual to see him in anything else.

"Did you need something?" Garrus asked.

"Well yes, actually. Ms. Goto came up with idea of a little crew bonding time. She said that we should be more casual amongst each other. No military ranks, and no titles,"

"That sounds kinda nice," she looked back at Garrus,"How do you feel about this?"

He smiled slightly,"Sounds alright"

The all met in Samara's quarters on the observation deck, seeing as it was one of the biggest rooms on the ship. Kasumi, brought as much alcohol as she could and everyone else had already set up for a game of poker.

"Alright everyone, from here until the rest of night, we will be on the first name basis! And I mean everyone, Jane," Kasumi glared at Shepard.

"Ok ok, call me Jane, but just for the night," she said nervously with all eyes on her.

"I think I'm ready for a game of poker, is anyone else?" Jack called loudly as she walked into the room. All eyes were on her, seeing as her outfit was the most surprising of them all. She was wearing an actual shirt instead of two leather straps over her nipples.

"Wow Jack, you look nice," Miranda said, it was strange to see her actually complimenting her. Seeing as their rivalry was so strong.

"And you don't look half bad either,"

"Alright now kiss you two!" Joker called from the poker table.

They smirked at each other and the whole room was filled with noises of interest.

Garrus sat down at the poker table, right next to Jane. Kasumi and Jack sat right next to each other. He just knew nothing good could come from that.

"Let's make this game more interesting shall we?" Kasumi cooed.

"Nope! I'm not playing," Garrus attempted to stand, but was pulled back down quickly by Thane. He looked scared, and almost nervous, which was far too out of character from him.

"Garrus if I am forced to play, then you will be too," he said through gritted teeth.

He sighed and sat back down. Kasumi smiled and adjusted the hood over her head.

"Now, if you lose you take off an article of clothing, simple enough?"

The rules were fairly simple, but he did not want to abide by them.

Ironically the first person to lose was Jack, she pulled off her shirt and everyone in the room wolf whistled. Spirits she wasn't wearing a bra. Her chest was so small and cute, her nipples could be seen clearly, despite the fact that her chest was covered in tattoos.

"Yeah, Yeah, I know!" she shouted and the game continued.

Next was Thane, he took off the cardigan over his shirt. The game continued out like this. Garrus was quite good at this, so he only took off a few articles of clothing here and there, but Shepard was horrendous.

With mixture of the alcohol and Shepard's natural sense of being horrible at gambling, she was bound to lose. She was stripped down to her panties in mere moments. He was trying not to stare, but the black lace really suited her.

Jack was booted out of the game after she had nothing left to take off, but that didn't make her want to put the clothes back on. She pranced around naked, drinking more liquor than he suspected her tiny body could hold. She eventually sat down with Joker, pointing at her naked body and telling her the story of how she got each tattoo and why. It appeared that she opened up more when she wasn't sober.

Kasumi won, as expected. She'd only took off one piece of clothing, her pants. Her panties were so tiny, he couldn't help, but to stare at them. Her frame was so small, and it was amplified when he could actually see her bottom half naked.

"Only look at me, Garrus," Spirits, Jane was drunk and still practically naked. Everyone had drank more than they should've and even people who weren't a part of the game began to undress.

He had drank slightly more than he should've. The sight of Shepard like that made his plates shift. He was even more aroused than he should've been in front of a bunch of his crewmates.

"I love you, Garrus, I love you so much," She was holding onto him, pulling at his fringe.

"Not in front of people," he growled.

"Then come up to quarters, please…"

"Shepard, I-I," the last bit of soberness and good choice making he had left was now trying to take over, but quickly over ridden when she placed her naked chest against his.

"I'll give you anything to fuck me,"

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