Chapter 5 part 2

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"Sir, I want to tell you something," Garrus would happily admit at this moment he was extremely nervous. He was sitting down with Jeff at the kitchen table while Jane, Linda, and Tali all went to help her pack.

"I'm listening,"

How was he going to say this? How was going to explain this to him. It was going to be hard, especially with her father's strength, but for her, he was willing to do anything.

"It's about your daughter," He was looking Garrus in the eye know, that was making him even more nervous,"I-I'm in love with her…."

His face scrunched up slightly while his eyebrows furrowed,"Does she know?"

Garrus shook his head. He at least wanted to tell her parents before he got down on one knee with the ring.

"Do you honestly believe that I would give my daughter's hand to you just like that?" he asked, his voice was already raising.

He shook his head again,"No sir, I want to earn it."

"Well you've got a lot of work to do to make me even consider giving up my baby's hand to you, I'm very picky about who she dates,"

He left to where the girls were and Garrus followed. Squealing and slight giggles could be heard from inside as her father pinged it.

"Come in!" Linda shouted while the door was sliding open.

Shepard was standing at the mirror in a pure white dress. It hugged the top of her torso and as it went down it progressively got bigger. The top was covered in white beads aligned in the pattern of a flower and with a bright pink flower in her side.

She had a bouquet of roses in her hand and her was in a bun on top of her head with only a few strands sitting out by the side of her face. A veil was placed on the bun and it ran down the length of the back. It was long enough to touch and drag across the floor.

"What do you think?" She asked and twirled with a giggle.

Garrus's heart throbbed. She looked stunning, fantastic, gorgeous, amazing. Words couldn't even describe what he wanted to say it her.

Human weddings were a lot better than turian mating rituals. They had things called 'vows' that were kinda like promises. He enjoyed the thought of that. He wanted nothing more than to see her in that same dress walking down the aisle to take his hand and commit the rest of her life to his.

"Jane looked like she would be the right size to wear it, doesn't it look nice on her?" Linda said happily while fluffing out the gown of the dress.

"You look fantastic," her father practically whispered out while stroking your hair,"But hopefully I'll never have to see you dressed like this. I want you to stay my baby forever."

He glared at Garrus who looked down sadly. He needed her father's approval to be able to confess to her...and he hated him.

"Garrus?" Shepard tapped his shoulder.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"You never told me what you think about my dress, do you hate it?"

"No! I love it! You look fantastic!" his mandibles fluttered uncontrollably, earning him another glare from her father. This was not going well.

"This is very nice and all mom, but I think it's time to give this back. We have to get you ready to go,"

"You keep it, Jane, you might just need it soon enough," Linda glanced at Garrus and smirked. His heart nearly stopped, she wasn't implying…..was she? And how did she know?

The shuttle ride on Palaven was...awkward. He sat right between Shepard and Tali, and across from her parents. Her father cracked his knuckles, while his mother made a motion telling him to sit closer to her.

Thankfully, he didn't have to get out to speak to his parents because of the mission to get the IFF, he knew that his father would disapprove as well of he tried to explain his feelings for Shepard to him. Not because he didn't want him to be with a human, but because he didn't like spectres. He believed that a person shouldn't have that much power, but with a bit of begging and a lot of his mom's yelling, he took them in.

His father shook his hand one to more time before he left, slipping something cold and smooth into his hand.

"Let me be the first to tell you that if you everEVER hurt my baby girl, I'll come and rip you limb from limb," he growled into Garrus's ear and left him there. Dumbfounded.

"What's he'd say?" Shepard asked when he sat down in the spot next to hers.

He looked down at the item in his hand. A diamond ring made from real silver. Thoughts swirled on his head of how he would give it to her, what he would say when he did. God it was hard.

"Shepard, I have a gift for you,"

"What is it?"

He held the ring out to her. She took it with a smile and slid into onto her ring finger. The ring finger on her left hand.

"It's so beautiful," she said while holding it closer to her eyes,"Where'd you get it?"

He grabbed her hand and kissed the ring,"That's a secret."

"Garrus um…"She looked away with a blush,"Let's go out on a date."

"L-like for weapon mods or something?"

"No silly, like a date. Something romantic,"

In that very moment time seemed to stop. His heart was literally going to jump out of his chest. She was staring at him just waiting for an answer that she couldn't wait for.

"Janey? Is this real or am I finally dead?"

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