Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

And here I thought Atlantis was surely the most advanced society in existence.

Heaven was there to prove me wrong yet again.

While Atlantis was rather advanced, it still retained some of its ancient glory, its tropical venues clean and virgin. Heaven on the other hand was a blank slate. It was like stepping into one of Akin's sci-fi movies. The buildings towered high into the sky in giant cylinders and rectangular shapes, disappearing into the clouds, and they were so close together, providing only enough space to walk through on narrow white stone streets. The buildings weren't very diverse in terms of colors, like the colorful rainbow homes that sat on the coast of Leanorius back home. It was white, pale blue, or slate gray. But the lights, so many lights were on in the buildings, glowing like rainbows in the windows and street lamps and strips that ran along the walkways.

Even in the setting sun, the surrealism of the realm nearly knocked me off my feet. It was a completely new world to me, nothing like Atlantis. Sure, the technologies appeared to be the same, judging from the angels walking around with cellular devices and sitting at cafe tables with laptops, but it was too new, too pristine, too utopian. Music played out of speakers I couldn't find, a gentle electronic hum that didn't interfere with daily life, but set a mood of calm.

Pinpointing the location of the main hall was rather easy. The building shot up from the other buildings like a giant butcher's knife, reaching up toward the sky as wispy thin clouds passed by over a sky that was painted dark blue with hues of orange and purple from the sun disappearing below the horizon.

Flags from multiple realms hung around the building, indicating it was a place of diplomacy and peace. Above the main entrance, a series of glass doors, was a massive flag with a golden cross with what appeared to be rays sprouting from behind it. I entered through the glass doors, coming into a massive lobby with colorful plants coming from cubical pots, thick black leather chairs, which appeared to have charging ports built into the floors beside them so people could hook up their electronic devices. A rectangular steel front desk was currently occupied by a female angel with round black glasses and her dark hair done up in a simple bun.

"Excuse me," I said, approaching the desk and the female looked up, her cheeks immediately turning pink, "Hello, my name is Xiphrus. I am on a diplomatic mission to deliver a gift from His Majesty, Hannibal of Atlantis, to the Archangel Michael. My superior should have phoned this in." The female blinked a few times before nodding quickly, looking down at her computer screen.

"Uhm, yes, yes, right here. She called not too long ago. Please take a seat. Michael is currently in a meeting, but he should be finishing up here right away. Would you care for something to drink? We have coffee, tea, coke and pepsi products--"

"I'm alright," I said, holding up my hand and she nodded timidly, "Thank you very much." I found a secluded seat in the corner of the waiting area, setting my bag down at my feet, careful not to jostle it too much with the precious cargo inside.

I scanned the room immediately to access the threat level, despite its so-called vow of peace inscribed on the floor in the entryway. There were only four angels in the waiting area, one by a vending machine, one at the desk, and three coming from the elevators. All of them wore formal attire, as if they were preparing for a party soon, and there appeared to be no weapons on them. Or in the room. Everything was quite sedate and professional. White and sterile, despite the colorful plants and pristine artwork mounted on the walls. A glance up at the ceiling revealed golden guilds that framed ancient artwork depicting the tales of Heaven and its establishment.

It'd been an empty realm before Yhwhwa arrived. He'd created the sun, the moon, the stars, the clouds, and everything else in the realm. It had taken him just a few days, which was no surprise. He'd always been very meticulous, very powerful, and quite a perfectionist. It wasn't a bad thing, clearly, considering his realm was functioning at a level higher than most others.

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