Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

We left Gehenna two days later.

We went to Atlantis where I reported in to Hannibal. Michael insisted on remaining in my home, with Euan, before he returned to Heaven. He wanted to recover fully before confronting his brothers about the dream of his Father. It was his way of saying that he wasn't mentally prepared to get back to his old life given the way things had gone between him and Diablo.

Something Michael wasn't talking to me about. I didn't want to pressure him to discuss it, but there was also a painful curiosity, a desperation to know what that monster had done to him. I needed to know the details. I wanted to know how to help. At the same time, I was afraid of pushing Michael into talking about something that clearly was bothering him so much he couldn't return to Heaven right away. He'd even ignored a phone call from Gabriel.

"Let him suffer in silence," Euan told me at breakfast, sitting with his legs folded up underneath his little body while he shoveled spoonfuls of oatmeal in his mouth, "Ain't nobody wanna talk about trauma the day after it happens. I know I didn't. I sat behind a dumpster for a whole week before I went on with my life. Course, now all I need is a good hot shower and I feel like a billion bucks." I sat and watched Euan eat, making sure he didn't choke on his food again.

Hades had given him a very strict diet to stick to in order to gain his weight back at a healthy pace, but Euan had trouble eating slowly, chewing his food. He was so desperate to eat that he'd just swallow before chewing and he'd already choked about three times since he started the diet.

But he was looking much better now. The color was returning to his skin, a light shade of cream. His hair was shiny and clean, a vibrant shade of light brown, rich like caramel. His eyes a deep coffee brown. We'd also bought him new clothing the moment we arrived, though we'd had to buy him child's clothing given how small he was. He didn't appear to mind. He liked the skull and crossbones on the front of his back shirt, and the distressed designer jeans. He'd also practically threw a party over the idea of socks.

A knock at the front door made me sit up. Euan cocked his head curiously, but I waved for him to relax as I got up and went to the door. Behind it was a massive hulking shadow I recognized immediately as I opened the door to reveal Tristan standing there, looking a combination of peeved and annoyed and perhaps borderline homicidal. In his hand was a file folder as thick as his forearm.

"King's orders," he said, handing out the file, "It's all the information you requested so you can transfer to Heaven." I nodded my thanks, taking the folder in my arm before glancing at him. He wasn't leaving. He had more to say, but didn't appear to know how to say or, or perhaps wondering if he should say anything at all. I quirked a brow at him and he narrowed his eyes.

"I know you checked into my schedule," he stated and I straightened at that, showing him I wasn't afraid to admit it and I wasn't going to lie.

"I did," I answered calmly, "I was worried about you. Since things between you and Fiona fell through, you've been acting strangely."

"You mean you think I'm infected," Tristan deadpanned. I didn't deny it. Tristan studied me for a while longer, looking thoroughly annoyed. He appeared prepared to rip into me before his eyes snapped to something behind me and I frowned, turning partway to see Euan standing behind me. He was staring at Tristan like he was looking at a ghost.

"Tristan?" He asked slowly, clearly recognizing him. Tristan's eyes darkened immediately and he shoved past me so fast, I didn't know what to do. Euan took huge steps back, but didn't get very far before Tristan had him up by the front of his shirt and was shoving him up against the wall. I tossed the file folder on the nearby table, moving quickly across the room to grab Tristan's arm in protest.

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