Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

"Michael! I'm sorry, but I'm coming in," I said, stepping into the room. Although, I could see why he didn't want me inside. Everything was so clean and perfectly organized. Not a hair was out of place. All the paintings and pictures on the walls were perfectly aligned, everything on the dresser and the end tables in a special place, and all the books in the shelves that lined the walls on either side of the fireplace were in alphabetical order.

Of course, my focus was Michael, who lay on the other side of the room near a pair of opened windows with billowing curtains and an armchair with a book sitting on it.

I approached Michael and dropped down beside him on the floor. He seemed to only curl in tighter on himself, his breathing labored. Upon closer inspection, I noted his face was flushed bright pink and he was already sweating. It looked like he'd yanked his hair out of its tie too, as it fell in damp waves over his shoulders and face.

"Michael, what's wrong? What's going on?" I demanded. Michael shook his head, turning his face toward the floor.

"J-Just leave! You can't do anything!" He snapped, then his breath caught and he swallowed hard. I touched his shoulder to turn him over and he moaned low in his throat, but instead of pushing me away, he seemed to lean into my touch. He squeezed his eyes shut tighter, clenching his teeth so hard, his jaw ticced. I frowned and pushed him over the rest of the way. He fell on his back, gasping out loud and I leaned over him, touching the side of his face, brushing my thumb under his eye. He moaned and reached up to grab my hand, like he was prepared to snatch it off his face, but instead he gripped my hand tightly, pressing it hard against his cheek.

"Michael?" I asked. I checked to see if he was hurting anywhere, only for my eyes to land on the space between his legs, where he seemed to be pitching a tent and I froze, staring down at him. He lay on the floor with his knees apart, his breath coming in sharp hot gasps, his hand gripping me like he was afraid he was melting. My immediate response was fuck. He's so beautiful. I knew he'd look beautiful like this. Then I quickly backtracked when I remembered Azariel's words.

Michael's pure. He took a vow of chastity once he reached maturity.

Michael didn't lose control. Michael controlled everything. It was why his house, his room, his life was so organized, so proper. Christ, even his fridge had things labeled and put into its proper places. Michael did not lose control. He also would never break a vow of chastity, especially for something like me.

"Shit," I realized, yanking my hand back and Michael choked out a sound of pain, pressing his hand against the side of his face where my hand had been before he rolled back over and curled up tight.

"You were drugged."

"The restaurant," he seethed, "S-Something... the food... Xiphrus, leave."

"I have to figure out what it is," I said, reaching for his hand and yanking it up to my mouth, making him writhe, "I'm sorry, Michael. This is the only way for me to get an immediate result. Please bear with me." I turned his hand palm side up and dipped my head down, parting my lips and sinking my fangs down into his wrist. The moment I did, Michael spasmed beneath me, a hoarse cry escaping his lips. His body torqued back, his head throwing back against the floor, blonde hair a ruffled mess, a thin stream of saliva dripping from the corner of his lips.

And his blood hit my tongue. But that was all I tasted. His blood, just like earlier... except that sweetness. I'd been so enthralled earlier to have a chance to taste his blood that I hadn't actually stopped to examine that sweetness. It was almost fruity.

Shit. It was erotia. A very powerful aphrodisiac, very old. I recognized it only because Atlan had used it with me. In the brief moments I questioned him, Atlan promised to give me something sweet to settle me down. And fuck, I knew what it was. I knew what he was doing. I'd never cared. Because the shit didn't stop working until the victim was unconscious, or completely sated.

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