Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

"Are you sure you want to burst in there and announce who the traitor is?"

I lay sprawled on my back on the bed with Michael tucked up against me, his leg nestled over mine, his arm across my chest and his hand stroking my pec. He lay with his eyes closed, his breath even and calm, despite the conversation we just had and the two hours of activity. His golden hair tousled beautifully over his creamy shoulders, his pink lips swollen from kissing and sucking and all sorts of other fun memories I kept tucked away for later reference.

"I have no fear," Michael murmured, brushing his thumb across my nipple, making me suck in a sharp breath, and a smile drifted onto his lips, "Perhaps you do?" I tilted my head against his, reaching up to capture his hand in mine, lacing our fingers together. I savored the way his soft long fingers felt between mine, so beautiful and perfect, with their manicured nails. It was such a stark contrast to my own hand; darker skin, fingernails having lengthened since my last turn into the beast, so they looked more like claws than fingernails, save for that white strip. And my hand was larger, engulfing Michael's protectively.

"If someone comes at you," I murmured, drawing his fingertips to my lips to place a kiss there, "I'm going to rip them to pieces. I'm just afraid of upsetting Yhwhwa." Michael smiled at that, then leaned up to kiss the underside of my chin, and a purr rose up my throat as he trailed little kisses down my throat to my collarbone, where he stroked my skin gently.

"That you don't have to worry about. My Father may resent violence, but He also recognizes when such a thing is necessary," he answered, and an odd shadow came across those piercing sapphire eyes, "I've been given permission to deal with the traitor as I see fit." I frowned. That meant casting our, or even killing, his own brother. I thought back to Lucifer. Michael had also been ordered to remove Lucifer from Heaven by all means necessary. Feeling personally betrayed by Lucifer, he'd not only cast Lucifer out, but slapped a curses on his ass on the way out.

It wasn't just a warning to Lucifer to stay out of his way, but a warning to others.

Michael would not be betrayed. Not again.

And unfortunately, some fool had made the mistake of committing such an atrocity. I had no doubt in my mind Michael would punish the traitor to the fullest extent of his powers.

At the thought of that, of his incredible power, my hand subconsciously drifted down Michael's back and he sucked in a breath, making me withdraw my hand, but he caught it over his shoulder and held it against his back. I swallowed, looking down at him as he stroked my hand over his back, staring off into space.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. Michael blinked, then looked up at me. He pressed his lips together for a moment in a thin smile, then closed his eyes.

"Don't be," he answered, then sighed heavily after a few minutes of warm silence, "We should get going. The meeting is going to start soon and I wish to bring incredible shame to the fool who betrayed my Father and my people." I lifted my arm away, letting him get up. And I rolled over on my side, propping my head up to watch with utter fascination as he rose to his feet with the graceful lethality of a lion. He tossed that golden mane of hair over his shoulder, and his muscles stretched talk beneath creamy skin, his bones popping into place as he drew his arms up over his head in a stretch before he disappeared into the bathroom.

I rose up from the bed and slipped into a pair of black leather pants and a black muscle shirt before I went downstairs to start some coffee. I listened to the hiss of the shower upstairs, the bubbling of the coffee pot, and the soothing thrum of the Source's power pulsing around me. I closed my eyes and soaked in its power, basked in its hum of approval.

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