Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

The United Pantheons meeting was held in the mortal plane at least twice a year.

The location changed every couple hundred years. As of the turn of the century, it was held in the colorful city of Seattle. A massive sprawling place on the west coast of the country called the United States, it was a mortal city of great beauty with plenty of places for otherworldly creatures to remain hidden. In recent years, the meetings were held at the very top of a massive skyscraper in the metropolitan area, overlooking the city and the waterfront nearby.

The large meeting room was just big enough to accommodate all the representatives of the major pantheons. It was rented out only for the meetings and the mortals were none the wiser of what went on. In fact, the mortals simply thought of it was a conference that happened on occasion throughout the year, probably something technology or political related. Nothing to cause concern, nothing to peak suspicion.

Currently, the room was filled with the representatives. Norse, Greek, Japanese, Egyptian, Nubian, the list stretched on, especially considering that some races tended to have multiple pantheons, or factions of their pantheon. An example would be the Greeks; they had two representatives to represent the two different realms they held; Olympus and Hades. Sometimes a pantheon owned more than one realm, more than two even.

There was one thing they all had in common, however, one major unspoken law that all adhered to...

Never interact with the mortals.

Long gone were the ages when gods and demons meddled in the affairs of humans. They had become a threat all on their own, and they were steadily becoming more independent from the gods. It was a break up that was bound to happen sooner or later, and the gods had long since accepted it. Besides, their worshippers still lingered in their own realms, among demons and others alike. Humans were their own entity, one that was best left alone. Their ability to absorb that the universe was so much bigger than they ever imagined was something that would certainly burst their brains.

That and the fact that they were very good at destroying things and most of the realms were still intact and heavily favored and protected by the gods. The idea of a lesser being infiltrating their realm and destroying it would probably be cause for a complete extermination of them all, given that gods weren't known for having good tempers.

Of course, not everyone followed that particular law, one such being the very monstrosity we'd come together to discuss.

I stood in the corner of the room when I appeared, searching the faces. Apparently rumors had spread quickly about the killings and most representatives had arrived with a bodyguard or two. I noted immediately that Hades himself had arrived with Theo in tow. The two of them darkened their own corner of the room, dressed in black from head to toe. Though, Theo stood out with that brilliant red hair of his and matching eyes that swept through the room like he was seeking any excuse to rip someone's throat open. He was oddly beautiful, that little redhead. The same kind of beauty a python had, glorious and deadly all at once.

From Olympus, Ares had arrived with Zeus himself. A stunner, to everyone it appeared. Zeus never came to the meetings. He always sent someone else. But then, perhaps Joxeia had forced him to attend instead of the usual candidates, Hermes or Athena. And standing behind him, looking less than pleased was his son, Ares.

Like Hannibal, Ares was also cursed with the beast. He'd long since managed to control the beast, but even from across the room, I could hear it screaming at him, see it writhing around in his soul, clawing to escape and destroy the room and everything in it, particularly Zeus.

From Duat came Set and his son, Anubis. Anubis looked so much like Set, his facial features a near match for his father's. But whereas Set's eyes were silver, Anubis's were a fierce shade of topaz and lined heavily with black kohl. His skin was a deep shade of bronze and printed with countless tattoos of geometric design, his black hair shaved close to his skull with the shape of a skull done in the back. Set himself was a sight to behold and I could easily see how he'd wooed Joxeia. He was exactly the type of male Joxeia liked; tantalizing, sleek, dark, handsome. Like the very jackal beasts Set knew and loved.

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