Chapter 1: The Boy

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 Are there any RPers that are interested? 

This site is the reason I am as literate as I am now(well, not in this work.) It is called, and its really effective. There are a bunch of  roleplay rooms like BNHA, HXH, Haikyuu, and more. It's like a Amino... but better. It doesn't require registration or anything. Just make OCs. 

If you've seen the anime DRRR. It is a fansite of that, so it looks exactly like the chatroom they used in the anime. Please abandon my book, and check it out! 

Thank you!


"Ughhh," (Y/N) groaned at the obnoxiously loud annoying beeping of an alarm. She slowly extended her hand only for her fingers to graze the alarm buttons. Eventually she turned it off.

"So irritating.." The (H/C) haired girl said as she forced herself out of bed. Her feet slid across the floor only for her to walk to her closet. Now, she changed into her uniform.

After she finished getting ready and preparing her breakfast, she finally exited her apartment. (Y/N) locked her door and reached into her narrow pocket for her phone, she walked away and headed to her new school. 'I can't say that I'm not nervous. I just hope no-one will dislike me-'

Her sentence slightly dragged out as she felt her face crash into a masculine chest. Obviously startled, (Y/n) stumbled back and was barely able to manage to stand on her feet.

"I'm sorry I should've watched where I was going.." The (E/C) eyed girl gave a short polite bow, realizing the boy had the same uniform on as her. She also noticed he was quite handsome.

The male student couldn't help but grit his teeth at her, already feeling peeved.
"Then next time, pay attention to where your going more carefully." The male scoffed sliding his hands in his pocket before looking back at her with slight vibrant red eyes. He stared at her for a brief moment then began to walk away.

"So rude.." (Y/N) allowed her eyes to follow him as he walked away. Shrugging it off she took out her phone and realized that she was late and sprinted to school.


Finally making it to school the girl panted as she slammed her hand on the wall, while her other was placed on her knee. (Y/n) took this moment to catch her breath.

"Ms, (F/N)?" An unfamiliar voice questioned.

Normally she sucks at cardio so she was pretty tired and drained from that little run; yet she still wanted to make herself look presentable. "Y-Yes..?" She panted, standing straight again after a few moments.

"Glad to see that you've made it without any casualties. Your a tad late but it'll do," The teacher responded pushing his glasses up like some cliché boy in a manga series. "I'll be your homeroom teacher and your guide. Here's your schedule." He said handing (Y/N) her schedule.

"Ah thanks." Politely taking it she smiled, scanning the item she had received before looking back up. "What is your name? Are you my teacher?"

"Yes I am. My name is Mr. Kiyoske. I hope I have an amazing year with you, shall we?" The adult gestured for them to walk. Catching on she began to walk with him to her homeroom classroom. Once they arrived he walked in and explained everything about her when asked to.

"Sorry for the delay, we have a new student joining is from this day forward. Be nice. (Y/N), you can come in now." Mr. Kiyoske stood by the board and the podium, waiting for her to enter.

"Okay sir." The young girl replied entering room finding it had suddenly got quiet. Nervously, (Y/n) stood still and allowed her eyes to revert to the side.

"Now why don't you introduce yourself." The teacher suggested.

(Y/N) nods and turns to face the class. A hint of red painted her cheeks. The nervousness of the situation she was in was getting to her. "H-Hello, I'm (F/N) (L/N). I'll try my best to make new friends with you all, I hope I enjoy my stay here." After she was done, she bowed and waited for a response from the teacher. She could feel people staring at her, but one stare in particular made her uneasy. (Y/N) felt as if the person was staring right through her.

"You may take your seat beside Mr. Shiyota." The sensei concluded before turning and going back to his lecture.

'Shiyota? I wonder who that is.' He pointed to the boy near the back and (Y/N) began to walk to her assigned seat. Once there she could still feel someone's stare from beside her. Sure enough it was the boy she had to sit next to. Turning her head she found that if was the male from earlier.

'Why him of all people? This is the boy that called me a nuisance!" The girl practically shouted at herself, with a shocked expression lingering on her face. (Y/n) turned her head and pulled out her books.

'Why do I have to sit by him again? Oh that's right, I guess the teacher likes to see their students -suffer. They are just a bunch of sadists.' The girl thought dramatically.


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