Chapter 2: New Friend?

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'Why do I have to sit by him again? Oh that's right, I guess the teacher likes to see their students suffer. They're just a bunch of sadists..' The girl thought dramatically.

The teacher had continued on with his lesson and the students followed along with him. It felt like knives were getting thrown at the side of her head. Her brow twitched as her (E/c) eyes narrowed down at her book nervously.

"Why, are you staring at me?" (Y/N) directed to the boy beside her, placing down her book. Only then did she muster up the courage to turn to him.

"Hm? I just find you interesting." He responded calmly. Casually he observed her from head to toe. His pale fingers grazed his lips.

'Great now I have to sit next to a creep like him..'

"You look... delicious." He uttered before getting cut off my the teacher, his head reluctantly snapped back in front of him.

"I see that you two have become great friends. How about you show (Y/N) around after class Shiyota." Mr.Kiyoske interrupted.

Lucky for him (Y/N) didn't hear it. "I do need a tour. I hope you don't mind Shiyota." The (E/C) eyed girl said facing him flashing him a smile.

"No I don't mind it." For some reason he started to feel excited. The expressions on the faces of her female classmates made her make a puzzled look, they then started murmuring whispers to eachother.

"That's not fair. She doesn't deserve to be with Shiyota." One girl said out loud.

"She's so lucky to be able to talk to him like that. She's lucky." Another had said.

"H-Hey Shiyota?" (Y/N) asked, trying to conceal they're little conversation.

"What is it?" He had questioned, ignoring the comments that they had made. Leaning back in his chair, pointing his eyes at her from the side.

"Never mind.." The girl changes her mind as the bell rang. 'Maybe I was wrong about Shiyota. He's not such a bad person after all.'

"Class dismissed." The teacher said organizing everything before he left.

The (H/C) haired female stood up and began to gather her things. Taking a look around her, she realized they were the only two left. "I guess we should get going. How about that tour?" She had brought up, trying to break up the awkward silence between the two.

"I guess I could show you around now." Shiyota threw his bag over his shoulder and began to walk out. "Hurry up you little idiot." He demanded, rubbing the back of his head.

"I'm coming, and don't call me that." She'd nudge him before sprinting up ahead of him.

Traumatized by the sudden touch he stared at her from behind as he started to walk faster so he could catch up. As she walked he ran his finger threw her (H/L) hair smelling it as he did so.

"You smell so good.... (Y/N)-chan..."

Well there is another chapter. I hope you guys liked it! Comment on what you think I should write the next few chapters about. Have a nice day!

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