Chapter 3: The Encounter

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"You smell so good... (Y/N)-chan..."

Embarrassed by what he said and did she stopped herself and began to turn a little red. "You can't just go around saying that to people. That'll make them get the wrong idea."

Shiyota smirked menacingly and his eyes glowed a pellucid red. "But your the only person I've told that (Y/N)-chan.." His voice was so soft and firm, it felt like he was luring her in. She felt as if she wanted to stay.

'When did he start calling me that.. why is he acting so weird now..' A billion thoughts crossed her mind as she stood in the hallway hearing the bell. "W-Well.. I should go.. the bell just rang.." The girl said in a nervous state of mind, trying to avoid staying with him for any longer.

"Your right.... you need to get to class now.."  He began to walk away showing his back to her. Finding himself deep in thought.

Shiyota' POV~

As he walked away he put his hand on the right side of his cheek and began to fantasize about the way her hair smelt. He could feel her hair still between his fingers every time he thought about the scene again as it replayed in his mind over and over again. He began to feel attached to her as every second flew by. 'I want to love her.. I want to protect her.. I won't let anyone stand on my way..'' He stopped walking and licked his fangs slowly with red eyes. 'Even if it.. resorts to killing.."

(Y/N)'s POV~

"That was... something.." Looking at him walk away she looked down after she gotten out her schedule. "I have Advanced Chemistry next."
Finally finding the classroom she entered and bowed her head.

"I'm sorry! I had gotten lost so I apologize for being late!" (Y/N) lied and her teacher didn't seem to notice it.

"It's fine. Welcome to the class, my name is Mr. V, you may take a seat anywhere you'd like." The man had said before resuming to her lesson.

The (E/C) eyed girl sat down on her stool and sighed, realizing she hasn't really made any friends. Well.. except for one person. Can she even call him a friend?

"Excuse me miss.." A voice came from beside her. His voice was deep yet soothing and soft.

"Yes? Do you need something?"

"Sorry, I just had to say something. You looked very lost in your thoughts, I just decided to say something to make you feel better. Sorry if I've disturbed you."

"No your okay. You don't need to apologize." Frantically, she waved her hands in front of her.

He chuckled with a nod. "Is there something on your mind you'd like to talk about?" He suggested politely.

"No I'm fine thank you." She rejected his offer politely smiling at him gently.

"I see I see. Well, not everything can be helped. I'm Ren by the way." The blonde had said charmingly.

"Nice to meet you Ren. I'm (Y/N), you can call me whatever makes you comfortable though." She'd offer flashing him a smile.

"Likewise." The male had gently and casually lifted her hand, placing a soft kiss on it. "Very well then, Angel.." Ren gave her a prepossessing smile before letting go of her hand.

(Y/N) vaguely blushed and nodded before turning her head to the front of the room. 'He's going to be my partner this day forward. I hope this goes well.'

"Let's get back to work shall we?" The charming young man suggests, scribbling down the notes.


The day was finally over and she was ready to go home. Going to her locker, (Y/N) changed her shoes then felt a gentle tap on her shoulder. Turning around she saw that it was Ren and smiled.

"Oh Ren, it's you." The girl exclaimed, looking quite happy to see him.

"Nice to see you again angel. Would you like for me to walk you home?" The blonde offered.

"I'll be fine, but thanks though."

"But it isn't safe for a beautiful girl like you to walk home by herself. Here, let me get that for you." He reaches for her bag and puts it on his shoulder, taking her hand. "Shall we get going?"


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