Chapter 5: Fallen In Love?

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"Have you ever got the feeling like your being watched?"

"Now that I think about it, I have actually.." (Y/N) replied.

"I see, that's not good. May I borrow your phone for a second?" Ren asked politely before reaching for it.

"Sure, I don't see why you need it though." She said watching him carefully.

Ren smirked playfully, adding his number to her contacts and handed her back her phone. "There you go, if you ever need my help just call me. Or.. if your feeling lonely and you want your prince to come and have fun with you. Then I will." He leaned in close to her face and teasingly licked her cheek. "I'm sorry, you just had a bit of tea on your face."

Blushing she had looked aside from him and nodded. "Th-Thanks. It's getting pretty late. You should get going." She recommends.

"Yes your right about that," Ren stood up and bowed. "Until next time, my angel." And with that, he left her apartment closing the door behind him.

(Y/N) took out her phone and looked at his contact, texting him.

Y: [I hope you have a good night. Sleep well.]
(For the people who doesn't know, Y=You. R=Ren.)
Feeling a vibrate he reached into his pocket to take out his phone and he smiled at her text.

R: [I wish you the same, make sure you lock your door. See you tomorrow angel.]

The (E/C) eyed female chuckled and stood up, going into the bathroom and started the water.

Shiyota's POV~

'How can she talk to a person like him.. he's not her type. She doesn't love him she loves me. I guess I'll have to put an end to him soon.' Shiyota was watching Ren leave her apartment and he waited for Ren to leave completely. "Now I can have her all to myself tonight.."

Shiyota grinned imperially and slowly turned the doorknob to (Y/N)'s apartment and entered. He explores the place and he started to feel all excited and jittery. He decided to wait until she fell asleep to try anything so he stayed hidden under her bed.

(Y/N)'s POV~

'What if I'm catching feelings for Ren? No no I shouldn't!' The girl thought shaking her head in disapproval. 'He probably has a girlfriend already.. I mean, look at him. For all I know he could be some player or cheater.' Sitting in the water she began to wash her hair then her body, soon getting out. "I guess I'll just have to ask or something."

Leaving the bathroom she had put on her clothes and she let out a tremendous yawn. 'Oh right, I forgot to lock the door.' The (H/C) haired girl walked out of her bathroom and went to lock the door. Remembering what Ren had asked her earlier.  "I should just lock it just in case."

Entering her room she climbed in bed and began to fall asleep.

Shiyota on the other hand was wide awake. He heard her softly snoring and came out from under the bed hovering over her in her sleep. '(Y/N)-chan, you look so cute when your sleeping..' The white haired boy thought trying not to wake her by talking.

"Now we get to be all alone.. (Y/N)-chan..."


The next chapter will be really weird and creepy. If you don't like that kind of stuff then you don't have toreador it. Just go watch My Little Ponies or something XD

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