Chapter 7: Protected

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Sprinting out of her room she grabbed her phone from the coffee table and ran out of her apartment. Shiyota didn't follow her, he was too caught up in what he had did he thought about how much he loved the sensations he was feeling. The one friend truly had had, she hoped that he was still awake she ran far from her apartment and stood in a place where there were lots of people. Taking out her phone she saw that it was almost midnight. (Y/N) still decided that she should text him, she didn't want to be alone at the moment.

Y: [Ren, are you awake? I need to speak with you about something urgent.]

The female impatiently waited for his response. Minutes passed and she began to give up. Just when she was going to put her phone in her pocket she had received a new text.

*(1) New Message(s)*

Unknown: [Where'd you go.. (Y/N)-chan...]

As she read the text her eyes blurred and she had grown confused, scared, all these emotions rushed in and she crouched to the floor, putting her hands on her head crying her eyes out.

"(Y/N)? What's wrong?" Are you alright my angel?" A deep, soothing voice had spoken and she felt his presence right beside her.

"I-I'm fine. Just a little shooken up is all." Picking up her head she realized it was Ren. "R-Ren it's you. Why are you here so late?" The female asked then noticing the dog on the leash.

"Sorry if I had startled you. I'm out here walking my dog. Now tell me why you look so frightened."

'That's why he didn't answer that text.'

"Well.." Everytime she thought back to that moment it made her shiver. She just wanted to forget about it and move on with her life, but it wasn't so easy. "Shiyota... broke into my.. house.. I don't know why he did. He's been acting really strange lately. And he had.." (Y/N) put her hand on her neck and diverted her eyes elsewhere. "He bit me. He's a vampire.. I know it's hard to believe, but he did." The stinging on her leg started to ache again as she put her hand on it with blood oozing down her leg.

The males eyes widened and he stood up feeling sympathy for the girl. He offered her his hand with a soft smile to try and cheer her up. "I won't let anyone else like him hurt you again, I don't know what to do in situations like this, but I can offer you my aid. Would you like to come to my house? I wouldn't want you to go back to yours after what happened. I also want to get you patched up if possible."

(Y/N) gently took his hand and stood up. "Thank you Ren. I'm sorry if I'm causing you so much trouble."

"It's no problem at all, your worth my time." He winked.

"You think so?" The pale girl responded nervously laughing.

"Come on, let's get going."

'Wait, how did... Shiyota even get my number?' She questions herself sending chills down her spine. Taking out her phone again she has just received another message.

* (1) New Message(s)*

(Y/N) scanned it and found that it was a picture of her and Ren standing together. Her eyes widened from shock and she quickly deleted his contact and put her phone in her pocket. The hand Ren was holding began to shake.

"Are you ready to go angel?" The blonde asked gripping her hand tighter to reassure her she's going to be okay.

"Yes I am." She nodded beginning to walk with him to his house.


Once there, Ren entered and removed his shoes watching (Y/N) and her surroundings. After she entered the house herself she closed the door and locked it.

"I don't want you to get lost, how about i show you to my room." He said walking up the staircase, opening his room door. "Would you like for me to get you something to eat or drink?"

"Green tea and a sandwich is all." (Y/N) said looking around his room quite fascinated. 'His room looks really big and fancy like.' So does his house in general.'

"Okay, I'll be back in a few minutes

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"Okay, I'll be back in a few minutes. Five at the most." Ren bowed and closed the door behind him as he left.

With a wave (Y/N) walked to the window and locked it. Then she sat down on his bed picking up a picture frame of him and his family.

"Aw, he was so cute as a little child." (Y/N) laughed and brought the frame to her chest hugging it. "Your lucky to have a family like that.. I don't see my family very often. Treasure those memories Ren."

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