Chapter 8: Insanity

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"Aw, he was so cute as a little child." (Y/N) laughed and brought the frame to her chest hugging it. "Your lucky to have a family like that.. I don't see my family often. Treasure those memories Ren."

The door had then opened and Ren stood there with refreshments in his hands. He tilted his head at her with slight confusion.

"O-Oh, your back Ren." The nervous girl said.

He put the tray down on the coffee table and sat down beside her. "Yes I am, what were you doing anyway?"
"H-Huh? Well I was admiring this picture." The (H/C) haired girl implies.

"I see. But when you say things like that," Ren slowly wrapped his arms around her and embraced the girl. "Of makes me feel sad (Y/N). So please don't say things like that."

'He must have heard what I said then..'  She thought.

"Sorry Ren, forgive me."  He had broke the hug and smiled charmingly. "So, may I see your leg. I'd like to get it disinfected for you."

(Y/N) nods and pulls up her night gown without revealing anything.

"How did you get this cut? It doesn't look like you were in an accident.." Ren made a worried expression examining her leg.

"He had cut me.. he said that if I try to run, he'll punish me.. and since I tried to he.. did that. But it's nothing, I'll be fine don't worry about it!" Trying to make him feel at ease her attempts weren't really working.

"I can't just stand here and do nothing about this." Ren said pressing the gauze against her wound with disinfectant on it. "Sorry, but it might sting."

Wincing the girl let him clean her wound. "Ren, maybe it's best.. if you just leave me be.. I don't want you to get hurt because of me."

"Surely you don't mean that angel. I want to be by your side and protect you. I don't want you to keep getting hurt like this." He picked up her hand once again and stared deeply into her (E/C) eyes. "After all," Ren smiled passively as he kissed the back of her hand. "I am your prince, I'll give anything to stand by your side."

"R-Ren.." Moved by his words she unknowingly began shedding a few tears.

"(Y/N)! I'm sorry, just please stop crying!" Ren guiltily requested trying to stop her from shedding more tears.

"I'm just.. happy is all." The (E/C) eyed girl started to bob her head, leaning against his bed as she fell asleep.

"I see I see." The blonde smiled at the way she was sleeping and found it appealing in a, attractive, kind of way. "Night, angel." He picked her up and lied her on his bed, kissing her forehead.

Ren turned off the lights and sat down on the floor with his head against the bed, just when he was closing his eyes he heard the door creek open. "Ryoske, is that you? You came home later than usual."

The person at the door stood there with a hoodie on so Ren couldn't see his face very clearly due to the dark.

"Ryo? Why aren't you saying anything?" Ren asked in an annoyed state.

The person reached into their pocket to grab something and Ren stood up and began to approach the person.

"Come on, this is getting really annoying.." Ren spoke putting his hand on the persons shoulder.

"You took (Y/N)-chan away from me.. now you must pay for what you have done. She's never loved you, she has always loved me and me alone. No one can stand in the way of our love.." The person at the door pulled the knife out of their pocket and pointed it at Ren while laughing maniacally.

Ren carefully tried to persuade the boy to put the knife down. "By the looks of it, it sounds like your the boy she was talking about. How about you just drop the knife and we can work this out." The male took a few steps backwards, glancing at (Y/N) from over his shoulder.

"Nope sorry, you'll probably just get in my way again.." His eyes glowed from under the hoodie and the smile he gave was crooked and menacing jumped at Ren, knocking him off his feet as he hovered over him holding the knife above his head. "(Y/N)-chan will be so happy that I'm doing this for her. Maybe she'll even marry me. Well, goodbye Ren."

Ren tried to get from out of his grasp and he kicked the boy off of him and the chaotic boy fell back as the hoodie fell off his head revealing his appearance.


That's the end of this chapter, I hope you guys found it enjoyable!

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