Chapter 2

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Mike's POV:
"Well hello brother dearest!" My annoying brother says and smirks at me and Kellin. I see how he eyes Kellin's body up and down and looks a little bit longer at places that I really don't want him to be looking at. Before he can say anything else I quickly grab Kellin's arm and walk away with him to another shelf in the store, where neither Vic or Denis can hear or see us.

"What the hell was that about?" Kellin asks me as I let go of his arm. I take a deep breath. I understand why my actions confuses him but I really don't want to be near either of those jerks.

"Wait.. was that Denis? The one who.." He says but doesn't seem to wanting to finish the sentence.

"The one who cheated on me? The one who only used me and the only reason he dated me was for a bet and he wasn't interested in me under the whole time? Yes, yes it was!" I say with anger in my voice as I practically start shaking from how angry I feel. Kellin is fast to put his hand on my arm in an attempt to make me calm down.

"I'm so sorry Mike." I take a deep breath to calm myself down before looking at Kellin.

"It's okay"

Kellin smiles at me in that adorable little way he always does before we walk towards the exit. Neither of us was very hungry so we just took a chocolate bar to share. I pay for it by myself even if Kellin insist he wants to pay half. And even if Kellin is stubborn, he's not even close to as stubborn as me. Plus I'm taller, so I held his money too high for him to reach them while I payed.

"I feel like it's kind of my responsibility that my brother had to make a mean comment to you on your first day. And I know you love chocolate so it feels obvious that I should pay." I tell Kellin and we both chuckle before I continue talking.

"I had even told him about a million times that if he did make a mean comment or anything to hurt you I was gonna kill him. On the other hand that is something I have said many times to him. And sometimes I've really tried to attack him, but always get tackled down by another brother before I can hurt him." I say and look down in disappointment causing Kellin to laugh.

"Like when?..." He asks me in curiosity.

"Well.." I say and start to think of a good example.

"Vic you mexican midget!! You've been in my room!! Don't you think I notice it when all my stuff is a huge fucking mess? What where you doing in there?!?" I yell loudly as I walk down the stairs, not caring about Jaime and Tony  being there too.

"Excuse me! All your stuff are not a mess, I only went through some of them!" Vic tries to defend himself. God, how can we be related?

"Yeah, but my private stuff! Like photo albums and notepads!" I yell at him making the others look at him in judgmental way.

"I actually had a good reason as to why I did it!" Vic argues and it's taking all my self control in the moment to not smash his head.

"And what's this good reason you have? Why did you do it?" I ask, trying not to lose it completley.

"Well, Um, I.. Alysha gave me fifthy bucks to send her pictures of them cause she wants to like know stuff about you. So, now you know. Are we done here?" He says as he starts walking towards the stairs. I can't believe him. I'm his brother and for fifthy bucks he totally disrespects my privacy and sends photos of my private things to that girl. He knows I can't stand her. She's like obsessed with me and I've tried to tell her a hundred times that I'm a flaming homo who isn't interested.

"I'm gonna kill you!!" I scream and is just about to jump on him from behind when in the last second someone tackles me from the side, making me fall down on the floor with him on top of me.

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