Chapter 11

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Kellin's POV:

I lay on my bed, phone in hand and texting with Vic. My mom was home this night, but she had gone to bed an hour ago and was now fast asleep. As often as she could she would go to bed at nine pm since she would wake up at like four the day after.

She still hasn't found out about Vic and I still dating but I constantly have this fear that she will. She was mad when she found out about us getting in trouble, I don't even want to think about how she'll react if she finds out I've been going behind her back about our relationship. My mom and I barely talk at the moment so our relation is bad enough. 

I don't actually want to hide my relationship with Vic. I wish I could kiss him whenever I like, I wish he could be here and cuddle with me and not worry about my mom finding out. 

I look down at my phone to realize that I've missed some messages from Vic wondering where I went.


"You there?"

"I miss you baby"

"Can I come over?"

"Babe why aren't you answering, I'm outside your window"

"That made me sound like a stalker, I'm sorry"

I giggle at his last text before going over to the window. I see Vic standing under it, so as quietly as I can I open the window. Vic, being strong and smooth (sometimes) easily climbs up and enters my room through the window.

As he lands he immediately brings me in for a kiss, wrapping his arms around my waist. I kiss him back for a moment before pulling away and taking his hand. I lead Vic over to my bed, pushing him a bit so he'll sit down before I follow after him. Vic lies down on his back and I plop down on top of him, resting my head in the crook of his neck.

"I hate this" I state in a whisper.

"I thought you liked cuddling with me?" Vic asks in a whisper.

"I didn't mean cuddling, cuddling I like. What I hate is that I can only do it with you later in the night because my mom can't find out. I hate that I have to whisper this to you because she's asleep in the same house. I hate that she's my mom yet I can't even talk to her about my relationship and my boyfriend. I hate that I can't really talk with my best friend about it cause my boyfriend is his brother and it gets weird. I hate that I don't have a dad to talk with cause he left as soon as he found out I was gonna be born" I ramble on, getting more upset.

Vic gives me a look holding sympathy as he wraps his strong arms tighter around my small body. He gently rubs my back with one of his hand, while holding the other still at the back of my head.

"Are you saying it isn't worth it? Are you thinking about breaking up?" He asks and I immediately feel guilty for all that I've said.

"No, no I'm not. I'm sorry if it sounds like it, I'm just overwhelmed right now"

"For what it's worth. You can talk to me about our relationship you know. If I ever do something that you don't like, or like, you can always tell me" He says, adding a little wink at the end.

"Thank you baby. I guess I'm actually mostly upset about my family situation, like I don't even know who my father is since he wanted nothing to do with me"

"I'm sorry darling, I don't know what to say to make you feel better" Vic whispers as he keeps rubbing my back.

"Don't say anything, just hold me"

The words come out as a little sniffle as I feel the tears beginning to form in my eyes. I try to desperately hold them back, not wanting to cry in front of Vic. That's until he speaks up again.

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