Chapter 13

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Kellin's POV:
College. High school graduation. Moving forward. Today we are graduating high school. Me, Vic, Mike, Jaime, Tony and Nick are all graduating today and we are all beyond excited about getting out of there. We've all gotten into the same college as well that we will attend after summer. Mr and Mrs. Fuentes were all thrilled about it since they had been worried about not being able to see all their sons so often, but now they were all off to San Diego's college.

As I stand up here on the stage I look out over the crowd, spotting both my mom and Vivian and Victor. For one of the first times in my life sadly enough I can really see that my mom is proud of me. We had many issues in our relationship after she had forbid me from seeing Vic and going as far as slapping me when I lied and said that Vic and I had had sex.

I had managed to left it behind me though. Maybe you shouldn't just leave it behind you when someone slaps you but I didn't have the energy to be mad for forever. I don't have any connection at all with my dad. I don't want to completely lose contact with my mom as well.

I turn my head to Vivian and Victor who is sitting beside my mom. They both seem just as proud over their children as well. Vic used to not really give a damn about school but after he started showing his true self he took school more seriously and ended up with great grades. Nick is standing here today as well and graduating with us even if he is actually a year younger. He just happens to be a quick learner and skipped a grade in middle school.

Vic is standing next to me on the stage, constantly placing kisses on my neck as I try to push him away. The principal is holding a speech about how great students we are, though no one is really listening to him it seems. The students dislike him and most of the parents seem to do so as well. I'm sure Vic's hatred for him is part of the reason to why he's kissing me like this.

I also notice my mom looking directly at us, and not with a very happy face. She absolutely resented Vic in the beginning of our relationship. It has gotten better but she is still constantly worrying too much that he will use me and my body. The fact that she came home early one day and heard some pretty loud noises from us upstairs didn't exactly made the situation better. But hey, Vic and I can't help that we're vocal.

I finally manage to get Vic's lips off my neck where hickeys are probably starting to form already. I decide not to let the marks bother me and instead I let out a little sigh of relief as Vic has finally managed to control his teenage boy hormones. That's until his hands start wandering down to my butt.

I turn to him and smack his hands, hoping that not too many people notice. Vic pouts at me but I simply give him a look telling him to quit it and eventually he accepts it and stops touching me inappropriate in front of all of these people. Instead he wraps his arms around my waist from behind and rests his chin on my shoulder.

"I hope you know that the touching only stopped for right now babe. Tonight, I need you so bad" Vic whispers in my ear making goosebumps rise over my body.

"Okay.." I whisper, biting my lip afterwards.

Vic and I have had sex multiple times before. It wasn't too long after I lied about doing it to my mom that we actually went through with it and lost our virginity to each other. I felt like I was an idiot at first. I had no idea what I was doing and I just felt so inexperienced. Vic really helped me through it all though.

Even if he refused to admit so at first he had been nervous as heck about the whole thing and therefore made a bunch of research beforehand. When we went through with it he was really sweet to me. He constantly told me how beautiful I looked and did everything he could to make sure I was comfortable.

We both knew it would hurt for me, which it did. But Vic did all that he could to ease the pain. He kept kissing me all over, placed a pillow under my lower back and let me adjust for a long time even if I could tell it was killing him not to move.

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