Chapter 4

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Kellin's POV:
I feel how Vic is looking at me, but as soon as I look up at him he looks away and walks to the kitchen. That was weird.

Mike comes downstairs wearing a black v-neck and black sweat pants. When you look at our clothes we literally look like complete opposites. Mike dressing in more masculin dark clothes and me dressing in pastel colors and more feminime clothes.

A moment after Mike comes downstairs the front door is opened by Vivian carrying a bunch of shopping bags from the store. Victor comes to the hallway to get the shopping bags and walks with them to the kitchen.

"Kellin, hi!" Vivian says and pulls me into a hug.

"Hi Vivian!" I say as I hug her back.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay here tonight" I say and smile.

"Don't thank me, it's no big deal. You can come here anytime you want" She says and smiles back at me before she walks to the end of the stairs and shouts for her kids to come down.

"Boys! Get down, we're making dinner and you gotta help me cook it!"

Half a second later Nick, Jaime, and Tony stumble down the stairs. I have to admit that it is kind of funny to look at, how they're almost rolling down the stairs.

"Smooth idiots. You look like meatballs rolling down the stairs," Mike comments making me laugh, he must have thought almost the same thing I did.

They all give Mike an annoyed look, except Tony who's smiling at him. Aww, they are so going to get together! I just know it! They all stand up and starts making their way to the kitchen.

"THEY SEE ME ROLLIN' THEY HATIN'!!!" Jaime screams/sings on his way to the kitchen counter causing us all to laugh at him. Isn't that song old by now though?

We all walk to the kitchen to help Vivian and Victor with the dinner. They both insist that I don't have to cause I'm the guest but I just say I want to help.

Everyone is in the kitchen fixing tacos together, let me just say that I have never been in such a crowded kitchen before. We're all bumping into each other, almost dropping what we're holding and almost tripping over each other. It's actually quite funny though, it takes way longer to fix everything than it would if there was fewer people in here but it wouldn't be as funny. I try walking towards the table through the mess of people but apperently all the boys have really big feet that makes me trip over them, falling backwards right on the floor. And as if that wasn't embarrising enough I also had to somehow bring Vic with me down on the floor. Or well, not excatly on the floor, more on me.

"Aww how cute, Kellic officialy fell for each other!" Jaime says as he looks down on me and Vic on the floor and I can feel how I'm blushing. Vic coughs a bit nervously before he stands up and holds out his hand for me.

I give him a shy smile and takes his hand so I can stand up. And I can see how he smiles back at me. Once again when our skin meet I feel a tingling feeling in my body. Ugh! Why am I like this? I do not want to have feelings for Vic, I know we could never end up together anyways. He's way too much of a badass and I'm way too geeky for him to ever like me, plus I'm not even sure about his sexuality.

"Aww, and now Kellic is smiling like fools at each other! Someone get a camera for God's sake!" Jaime shouts and we all give him a weird look. We just stand there and stare at him for a while without saying a single word.

"What are you looking at?" Jaime says.

"What the heck is a Kellic?" I ask him.

Jaime rolls his eyes and sigh like I totally should know what he is talking about.

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