Chapter 10

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Kellin's POV:

Two weeks have passed since my mom forbid me to see Vic. Of course we had kept seeing each other though. Since my mom works late she doesn't notice if I come home an hour or two later. Therefore I've used that hour to be with Vic and the other Fuentes'.

Today we spent the afternoon at my house for the first time. I was constantly a bit worried that my mom would be home early and find him here but when my phone rings, signaling that I've got a new message it turns out the opposite happens.

"Working late far away, I'm staying at hotel tonight" the message from my mom reads.

I smile and let out an excited squeal before going to my contacts and calling Vic.

"Hey baby" He answers as he picks up the phone.

"Hey Viccy. My mom just texted me saying she'll be staying at a hotel tonight so she's not coming home tonight, meaning I'm alone. You wanna come over?" I ask. I mentally slap myself afterwards as I realize just how sexual that can be taken. Vic doesn't seem to notice, or he just chose to ignore it.

"Hell yes, I'll be there in ten" He practically shouts. Vic hangs up the phone before I have the chance to tell him goodbye. I giggle at him before putting my phone away and standing up from the bed.

I go over to the mirror, checking how I look. I look decent but I still fix my hair a bit to make it look better. When Vic left before I took of my makeup. I think for a while if I should add some new but decide not to do so.

I'm dressed in a pair of white pajama shorts that I guess is kind of feminine, probably because they're from the women's section in the store. With that I have my long sleeved sweat top that's got a pastel purple color. It's hanging loosely over my shoulders, showing off my pretty evident collar bones.

I hear the doorbell ring downstairs and I happily skip down to the front door and open it. Vic is standing outside, holding a bag that is most likely filled with clothes and other stuff that's needed to stay the night. He drops the bag onto the floor and steps into the house.

Before I can even greet him he wraps his arms around my waist, letting his hands rest on my butt. He bites his lip as he scans my body that's pressed against his up and down and makes a humming noise in the back of his throat causing me to blush.

"You are so hot" He mumbles before leaning in to kiss me.

I kiss him back, letting our lips move together. Vic taps my thighs making me understand what he wants me to do. I jump up and wrap my legs around his waist as he holds me up by my bum. Vic starts walking towards the stairs and I hold on tighter to him as he starts walking up them, slightly scared that he'll drop me.

Vic manages to walk upstairs without dropping me and without even breaking the kiss. He heads to my bedroom and the logical side of me starts to wonder where he is planning to take this? Did he take what I said in a sexual way?

I stop thinking about this as Vic drops me down on the bed and lands on top of me. I let out an involuntary moan as our lower regions press together. Vic seems to notice as he pulls away from the kiss with a smirk playing on his lips.

I look up at him with big eyes, not sure what to do or say right now. Vic then rolls his hips against mine. Our lower regions brush against each other making a tingling feeling erupt in my body and making a faint whimper leave my lips.

I can feel that Vic has grown harder against me and I'm sure I will soon get turned on as well if this keeps going. Wanting time to think about what I'm ready for and not, I pull Vic down to crash our lips together.

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