Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 (Redone)

Riley's POV

I woke up a few hours later. My eyes were all sore and puffy and my nose was all stuffy. I was curled up into Riker's side his arms were wrapped around me protectively. I tensed. I pried myself away from him and grabbed clothes for the day. A fitting pair of jean and a light purple flannel button up shirt. I went into the bathroom and got a shower. Once I got out I brushed my hair. It was too long for my liking. I got out siccors and cut my hair. It only came down to my shoulders now. That's better. I walked out of the bathroom and nearly had a heartattack.

"Riley! What did you do too your hair!" Riker yelled, not in a mean way in an amused way.

"I was tired of it. I wanted it short." I said going into the kitchen.

"You've always liked having long hair." he said.

"Well, things change. People change." I said.

We went and sat down in the living room, I in the chair and Riker on the couch. I turned the TV on and a show called Austin & Ally was on.

"Ross, my younger brother, plays Austin Moon."

Ross appeared on screen and I felt myself fading. Another memory.


We ran down a long hallway Rocky and I. We had stolen Riker's blue sunglasses. We were in the dressing room area on the set of Austin & Ally. Rocky was a few good feet in font of my Riker closing the gap between us. Just as he began to catch up to me I yelled out to Rocky to take the glasses. I threw them to Rocky, he caught them and ran off. Riker tackled me to the ground, then rolled us over so he was on top and began to tickle me till I'd tell him where Rocky took his sunglasses. I told him, but by that time it was too late. Rocky would have given them to Ratliff by now, then the Rydel, then Ryland then Ry was suppose to give them back to me. He kissed me on the cheek and took off running again. It was a normal thing for us, I took off to the place where I was going to meet Ryland. I got there before he did. He told me that Riker had caught up to Ratliff, but didn't see him given them to Rydel. I stuck them in my bag and went back into the studio like nothing ever happen.


I was laying on the floor and the back of my head hurt like hell. I sat up and nearly hit Riker's forehead.

Rubbing the back of my head I asked, "Did I ever give you those sunglasses back?"

He looked dumbfounded for a second, "My blue ones, at the Austin & Ally studio. The ones you and Rocky took."


"Yes, you gave them back. After about a week of me bugging you to give them back, you are a stubborn girl."

I didn't realize how close we were before, I could feel his body heat radiating out towards me. My stomach erupted with butterflies and I didn't know why. I sat up moving away from him to sit.

"Did I have a job?" I wanted to know more about myself, some things I couldn't remember.

"Yeah,  you were a photographer. Had your own studio, until the accident." it was hard to forget the look of guilt that crossed his face.

"What else do I like to do?"

"In school, you ran cross country and track. Played volleyball and participated in marching and concert band for as long as I can remember. You helped with the music program a few months ago. You play piano, I was teaching you bass at the time."

I had a long list of achievements but no memories to go with them.

"You guys have a band right? Erm, R5?"

"Yeah, I play bass and sing. Rocky plays guitar and sings. Ross plays lead guitar and sings. Ratliff plays drums and Rydel plays keyboard. You guys learned together."

"I sound so interesting." I said sarcastically. "What about you?" I asked.

"I'm 21, my birthday is November 8, 1991," that was a few days from now." My favorite color is blue. When we pair up for games, you and I are normally on the same team since we both like blue. You also like green and purple, so sometimes you're on Rocky's team and when ever my mom gets us are favorite colored things she gets you purple. But whenever we do it by hair color it's always You, Rocky and Ratliff against Rydel, Ross and I."

I laughed at that it was a get way to play teams.

My cell phone rang from the bedroom and I ran to get it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey, it's Rydel. Riker's not answering his phone, tell him we need him for band practice. We finally got a gig!"

"Alright, I'll tell him."

"You should come over to, we've missed you."

I didn't know, I was just now getting use to being around Riker. I didn't want to get overwhelmed.

But you barley remember him.

I still feel safe with him.

Why, for all you know he could be a mass murderer.

For all I know I could be one too.

Great now I was talking to myself.

"Sure." I said to Rydel.

"That's great!" she practically screamed.

"Well be over in 10."

"Okay, bye."


What have I gotten myself into?


I redid this story, so you should go back and reread it. Thanks.

Riley E.G.A. Mason

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