Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 (Redone)

I was tired, all I wanted to do was sleep. My body jolted up and a shock went though my body. Muffled sounds filled my ears, a long ring filled my hearing as did the sounds of crying. "Let's call it." I heard a disappointed female voice say. Feeling returned to my body slowly there was something on my left leg, and something warm was in my hand. "We'll give you a moment alone." the voice said. I heard the sound of feet leaving. One person, that I could hear, was left. The warmth had not left my hand.

"Please, don't leave me." the voice of a man chocked out. "Your my best friend. I don't know what I'd do with out you. I need you. Come back... please come back..." the crying got heavier and heavier. The ring in the room was replaced with a soft beep... beep... beep that sped up. It sounded like a heart monitor. Wait...

Reality hit me like a ton of bricks. I was in the hospital. I took in a deep breath and relized I had just been dead. The person who had been crying became silent. The machine monitoring my heart spead up. I heard footsteps running into the room, "She's going into shock!" the doctors voice yelled.

Over the next few minutes listening to the staff work. I couldn't move or talk. Finally, the doctor said I was stable. I took slow, deep breaths and slowly opened my eyes letting them adjust to the brightness of the room. It had been a few hours since the doctor found out I was awake. The rooms lights had been dimmed so it wasn't as bright as I expected it to be. Sitting in a chair beside the hospital bed was the boy. His head layed on the covers of the bed, his hand was in mine. He appeared to be sleeping. His hair was blonde with darker roots, he looked to be around 18 or 19. I put my free hand against my head, there was a bandage over my left temple and the back of my head. I gently removed my hand from the boys and layed on my side, my back to the sleeping boy.


I woke up feeling more relaxed than I was yesterday. I looked around the room and saw that nobody was there. There was a change of clothes at the end of the bed but before I could get them the doctor walked in.

"Riley Chase?" she asked.


"Just making sure ou knew who you were. You hit your head pretty hard all those months ago. You may have some memory lose. So I just need to ask you a few questions."

"Okay." I said. I really wasn't expecting a test today.

She looked down at her clipboard and began.

"What is your full name?"

"Riley Elizabeth Genevieve Allison Chase."

"When is your birthday?"

"December 4th, 1991"

"What year is it?"


"Okay, now were going to see if you remembere faces."

I was confused by what she meant. A women around 40 years old stepped into the room. She had dark hair and brown eyes.

"Mom?" my voice quivered more than I had wanted it too.

"It took a little longer than we would have liked for you to remember." the doctor said.

"But at least she did. That's a good thing." my mother said.

"Yeah, but we don't know how much memory she has of you."

My mom almost broke into tears at this. The next person to walk into the room was a blonde haired girl with light brown eyes. I searched my memory for her.

"Rydel." I said a little unsure of myself. She smiled and teared up. She came over and hugged me.

"You remember." was all she said.

After a few moments I had named many more people.

Ryland, I remembered a bit about him.

Rocky, I only remembered his name and liked to tease me a lot; about what, I had no clue.

I couldn't remember a young blonde boy's name, I knew of him I just couldn't name him.

Their parents Stormie and Mark, my aunt Liz, Gen, and Alli.

"Okay Riley, this is the last person for today. You'll be realsed tomorrow."

I nodded. The boy from last night walked into the room his eyes brimmed with tears. His eyes were brown.

"Hey," his voice was soft and hoarse.

"Um... who are you?" I couldn't remember this person at all.

"Y-ou don't remember me?"

"No, I don't"

"As we've expected there was memory lost and brain damage." the doctor said, everybody was holding in there breath. "But there is a high possiblity she could remember. In bits and pieces of course."

The boy just stood there, staring at me. I looked around, my mom, aunt, friends. But no dad.

"Mom, where's dad?" I asked. Everybody in the room looked at each other as if to say 'You tell her.'

"We'll tell you later. Right now get some sleep." my mom kissed my forehead and left. The rest of the people left the room taking one last look at me. Rocky put his hand on the older boys shoulder. "Riker," he said softly, pity for the boy in his eyes. "C'mon." he said. The boy whose name I now know is Riker, turned around looking down and left.

Riker, that was his name.

A memory came to me.

I was running, I was around fourteen, I looked back laughing. Riker was chasing me laugher filled his eyes. Riker, being taller and having longer legs, caught up to me, being short and clumsy, he wrapped hs arms around my waist and therw me over his shoulder. We were laughing so hard it was hard to breath. I was lightly punching his back, "Riker Anthony Lynch put me down now!" I said, but he didn't take me seriously. He took me back into the house and set me down.

I was back in the present. All I could think of was.

Who was this Riker Lynch?

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