Chapter 6

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Once we arrived at the house, I saw there were more cars parked there than normal. I was starting to panic.

"Hey, don't worry. You'll be fine." Riker said taking my hand.

"What if I blackout again? I haven't done it in front of anybody else. They'll worry to much." I said.

"Their going to worry anyway."

He opened the door and went in first. We were immeadialy swarmed by kids. Riker smiled and kneeled down to hug them. Once they saw me behind him. The youngest, who looked to be around two, came over to me and put his arms up like he wanted me to pick him up. I felt the pinch of a flashback and squeezed Riker's hand. He picked the young boy up and lead me to the living room were I sat down and tried to fight off the blackout. I had no such luck. There was no memory, which I found weird. I put my head in my hands and heard a voice.

"What's wrong with her?" it sounded like Ross.

"She's been getting really bad headaches. Probably a side effect from the brain trama."

"When will they go away?"

"I have no idea."

"Hopefully soon." I said. I looked up, yep it was Ross and Riker. Riker was still holding the boy. I stood up when three more people entered the room. I saw Riker's facial features harden. Ross left the room taking the boy, from Riker, with him.

There were two girls and one guy.

"Riley, you're okay!" the youngest girl ran over and huged me almost knocking me over.

"Uh, yeah. Could you please let me go?" she did.

"Don't you remember?"

"No, actually. I don't. I don't remember a lot of things." I said, I was tired of people asking me that question.

"I'm your sister. Amy, well half sister but still."

I had siblings?

"That means you don't remember us either?" the other girl said, she had brown eyes and blonde hair. It wasn't Rydel. The man beside her had dark hair and dark brown eyes.

"Sorry, no."

"We're your brother and sisters." the man spoke.

"I'm Britney, and this is Matt. We're your older twin siblings. We are ten years older than you. Amy is your half sister and is 15. Then there is Carter, he's only a few months old."

So, Britney and Matt were 31, twins and my actual siblings. Amy and Carter were my younger, half siblings.

"What is everybody doing here?" Riker asked walking over to stand behind me, I saw Matt clench his jaw. I take it he and Riker don't get along.

"Your parents called us up, asked if we wanted to visit. Mom's been out on a job so we decided to." Amy spoke up.

"Oh, when will mom be back?" I asked.

"We don't know, haven't heard anything." Matt said, looking at his watch.

"Amy, Brit. We really should be getting home. Brit go get Carter." Matt said.

"Can I meet Carter?" I asked.

"No." Matt said. I had a feeling I was to black sheep of the family.

"Why." I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I don't trust you."

"He's my brother too! I wouldn't do anything to harm him!"

Matt didn't look convinced.

"So, I'm not part of this family?" I asked.

"You made your decision a long time ago."

He grabbed Amy's hand and went out the door, Britney following him with a carseat. I couldn't see the baby.

"What the hell was that?" I asked looking to Riker.

"Family drama." he said.

"I take it my family dosen't really care about me."

"It's a long story, for another day."

"Our those other kids your siblings too?"

He smiled, "No, they're my cousins. Gus is the oldest at 12, Gordy is 10, Gil B and Boston are 8, Gator and Beauty are 6 and Bauer is 2."

"Wow, you have a big family." I said.

"It gets confusing at times."

Ross came back into the room, "Dinners ready."

We followed him out into the kitchen, but since it was a warm autumn evening all of us decided to eat outside. We sat on the patio. I sat beside Riker and Bauer sat in the chair on my other side. Rocky sat across from me Gordy was beside him. Boston was sitting on the other side of Riker talking to him aboout R5's next concert. From what I heard was next weekend. Rydel and Beauty were sitting by each other same thing with Ratliff and Gus and Ross and Gator. Gil B said on the other side of Bauer and the older adults sat at another table.

We talked most of the night and I got to know everybody a bit better, when the kids went to catch fireflies I helped Bauer, since he was only 2, I kept seeing Riker watching me from the corner of my eye. I didn't say anything about it though. When it got to dark and cold to stay outside we decided to go inside and watch a moive in the basement. The kids picked out the Lion King. The adults had already gone to bed. Rocky was passed out on the floor along with Ratliff and Ross, Rydel had turned in earlier with Beauty. Their were two air matresses out. Gus, Gator and Gordy were on one, Boston, Gil B and Bauer were on the other. Riker and I sat on the couch. My eyes got heavy but I forced myself to stay awake the whole thing. The movie was amazing. Even though I'm 21, I still love Disney movies. I really wish I didn't stay up the whole movie, I had a killer headache. When Riker got up to turn off the TV I shut my eyes like I was sleeping. He must've thoguht I was too because he picked me up and took me upstairs. I opened my eyes and saw I was in his room. He laid me down and turned to leave, I grabbed his wtist lightly.

"Please stay."

I wanted him to wake me up if I got a nightmare before I woke up the whole house.

"Okay." he looked taken back. I moved over on the bed and gave him room. He laid down beside me, we were back to back. I was up half the night I couldn't sleep, I didn't want to have a nightmare and wake everybody up. It would be embarassing. Plus, my mind was reeling from all the new information I've learned. I felt Riker roll over in his sleep and wrap an arm around my waist. Tingles shot up my spine. Why did I feel this way? Why does my body react this way? Like I said before my body and mind were to different things. The killer headache finally won and I fell alseep in Riker's arms.


Such an adorible chapter, I need to write more like this!! and the family drama! Why doesn't Riley's family like her? What do you think? I couldn't wait to get this up so happy early chapter. Plus, check out The Parting Glass second book to The LIghts!


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