Chapter 2

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All the attacks were frightening everyone, but Draco didn't feel scared at all. In fact he was relieved that the Mudbloods were being disposed of. The one thing he couldn't bare was the look on Harry's face ever since Hermione Granger had been attacked. Draco refused to believe that there was a possibility he didn't hate Harry Potter.

One night he'd been walking with Crabbe and Goyle when he felt an urge to want to see how Harry was, but knew that it was too late and they shouldn't leave the common room. Then he remembered that worst comes to worst his father would bail him out so he decided that he was going to see Harry. "You idiots are getting on my nerves. Why don't you leave me alone before I vomit at your stupidity." Draco said to Crabbe and Goyle who headed off to their dorm with blank looks on their faces. He then made sure that no one else was in the common room and snuck out.

He had realized that he didn't know where the Gryffindor common room was and was pissed at this.



Draco turned to see Harry standing there dumbfounded that Draco was wandering out.
"I'm so thrilled I found you here so now I can take more points from Gryffindor." Draco said with and snide smile, but regretted afterward at the fear Harry would hate him even more than he already had.

"You can't or I'll do that to Slytherin."

Harry was right, but Draco regretted straying off on that foot.

"How about we never speak of this again, Malfoy? Then no one gets in trouble."

"Deal, but you'll still be in trouble when I beat your butt at the next Quidditch game that we verse each other. I might just have to break that arm myself." Draco immediately regretted saying this and prayed Harry hadn't heard.

"I don't understand you. Why do you hate me so much?"

"I hate you because you're a useless piece of owl dung. You're as useless as a Mudblood like Hermione and she couldn't even avoid being attacked." Draco laughed, but wanted to cry inside. Why was he being so mean? He didn't understand why he was extra wicked when Harry was around.

"You know, Malfoy, I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, but no I'm done." With this Harry punched Draco and wrestled him to the ground. Draco was stunned at what had happened, but blushed a little at the feeling of Harry's skin against his.

"I-I'm not sorry and never will be! Kill me if it pleases you, but I'll never apologize!" Draco could never understand why these words left his mouth and then did something he'd knew he'd regret and Harry would hate.

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