Chapter 13

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"I really have no friends now. No one to go to in my house anymore." A tear ran down Draco's face, Harry closed the door behind him and ran to hug Draco, but tried not to hurt his arm.

"Who did this?" Harry asked, but Draco didn't respond and didn't hug Harry back so Harry pulled away and Draco could see his eyes had lit up and he was clenching his fists.

"W-What's it matter, Harry. Everyone treats me like scum if they're not pretending to be my friends and hurting me the first chance they get. Then there's you who's only here to yell at me and only treat me well when we're alone. I'm done with it all!" Draco looked Harry dead in the eyes and he looked as if he'd had the life drained out of him. His eyes were cold, dead looking. He pulled out his wand and just stared at Harry. His wand was tight in his hand and another tear streamed down his face. "I'm done with it, do you hear me?" Draco yelled loud enough that multiple students rushed in, one being Colin who was eager to snap a picture of the occurrence and another being Ron.

"Draco, whatever your about to do don't do it." Harry took one step towards Draco, but Draco took a step back.

"Yeah, Malfoy, we can help you." Ron said surprisingly sentimentally and stood next to Harry.

"None of you will ever help me! You'll just hurt me, I know it! Most of you already have and I'm sick of it! None of you will ever begin to understand the complexity of my being!" Draco pointed the wand at himself and yelled. "Flipendo!" Draco knocked back so far he broke the glass of the window and went flying out of it.

"No!" Harry screamed and tried to grab Draco before he flew backwards, but he was to late and wouldn't have been able to stop him anyway. Everyone in the room fled to the window, including Harry who was first to it. Draco laid unmoving at the bottom. "D-Draco!" Harry yelled down through the completely shattered window. There was pieces of glass scattered all around Draco.

"What is going on here?" Professor McGonagall and Snape walked in. Everyone split to make a path for them, but Harry remained staring outside the window hysterically crying now. "Harry, what did you do?" Snape snapped, but Harry didn't answer and was still staring down at the still body.

"It wasn't Harry, Professor, Malfoy did it to himself and Harry tried to stop him!" Colin said and for once he wasn't being a pain.

Snape and McGonagall stepped towards Harry and McGonagall turned Harry around to see him sobbing uncontrollably. "I tried. I tried to stop him!" McGonagall had an unusually loving look in her eyes and pulled Harry into a hug to comfort him.

"I know, Harry, I know. Someone alert Madam Pomfrey immediately." Most of the crowd ran out except for Ron and Colin who stayed put.

Madam Pomfrey and a few other nearby teachers ran down and lifted Draco onto a stretcher to be taken to the hospital wing while Harry and Ron were taken to McGonagall's office Harry still crying and Ron trying to comforts Harry by placing a hand on his shoulder. "Explain."

"Listen, Professor, Draco just did a jinx spell and flung himself out the window. We weren't involved."

"I know, Ron, but I still need to here everything in detail and why is Harry crying? He hates Mr. Malfoy." Ron looked quickly at Harry and then back and McGonagall before he replied.

"Yeah I thought that too, but not lately. I wouldn't call them friends, just mutual acquaintances." Ron looked over to make sure Harry wasn't listening and was still crying before whispering his next line. "Um, Professor, is he dead?"

"I'm unclear of that at the moment. Harry, would you like to go wit in the common room and I'll just chat with Ron?" Harry nodded and headed out, but he didn't go to the common room. Harry ran to the hospital wing as fast as he could and when he arrived Draco was on the bed while Madam Pomfrey was checking his vital signs. Everyone turned around, but no one stopped Harry from entering.

"I-Is he alright?" Harry's voice was shaking, almost as much as his knees. No one looked very hopeful and Snape looked looked as if someone had just murdered his entire family.

"He isn't looking too good, but thank goodness he's a wizard or he'd surely not have made it." Madam Pomfrey continued to check him over and then give him some medicine. Harry took the seat right after Snape got up and left. Madam Pomfrey left the room, but told him he only could stay for a few minutes.

Harry's lip was shaking and he was still crying, but was holding Draco's hand and looking at the paler than usual face. Harry kept murmuring the same three words over and over again. "I'm sorry, Draco. I'm sorry, Draco."

"Potter, get away from my son!" Harry turned around to see Lucius Malfoy standing by the door as pissed as ever. Just as Harry went to get up and leave, Draco's hand tightened and pulled Harry from leaving. His eyes slowly opened and he was still drowsy.

"No, father, I want him to stay." Lucius looked like he was going to explode of anger at his son's sudden disobedience. Lucius walked over and whacked Draco which cause Draco to yelp in pain and wince.

"Don't hurt him! He just fell out of a blimey window!" Harry grabbed Lucius' stick and looked him dead in the eyes.

Lucius turned and walked out, but not before saying some nonsense about getting Harry expelled because he nearly killed his son. Draco smiled a little at Harry and continued to hold Harry's hand as firmly as he could considering how weak he was. "I believe I may have broken every bone in my body and my father showing up isn't making me feel much better."

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