Chapter 9

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"Divination is dumb! My aura is perfectly fine for any class!" Hermione screamed and crossed her arms as they left their Divination class and walked towards Transfiguration.

"I don't think that's how it was meant and we just found out Harry had a grim in his teacups so that's the least of your problems." Ron's voice was noticeably shaky and he kept glancing over at Harry almost like he expected him to drop dead at any second.

"Harry's fine and she's a liar!" Hermione was set on hating Divination so no one tried to talk her out of it, but Ron and Harry obviously didn't care much about Hermione's problem and spaced out while they walked. As they were approaching the class they bumped into no other than, Draco Malfoy. He was once again followed by Crabbe and Goyle, but seemed intrigued by the silence of the three friends.

"Well you three look cheery." No one answered him. Harry and Ron kept their heads down while Hermione had her eyes closed and kept tapping her foot. "Um... hello? Anybody in there, Weasel, Scarface, Granger?" Nobody answered once again and he was getting impatient as seen by the creases forming on his forehead caused by the movement of his eyebrows. Finally, he went to wave his hand in front of Harry's face and Hermione slapped it away. "Jeez, you guys are in rare form, huh?" With that he walked away and the three walked into Transfiguration.

After Hagrid's lesson, Harry was pissed at Draco. All Harry could think was the words how dare he over and over again. They'd gone to visit Hagrid and he was a mess, but after they went up to their dorms and Ron fell asleep immediately. Harry knew his idea was stupid, but he wanted to straighten out Malfoy so he grabbed the invisibility cloak and left the room praying not to see a dementor. He sprinted as fast as he could, but as silent as possible to the hospital wing and was careful to take the cloak off before he went in so Draco wouldn't see it. He walked in a Draco was sitting in a bed looking completely fine.

"Agony, my ass." Harry said and Draco turned to him with a cold, dead look in his eye that shot through Harry's body.

"You just don't understand, Harry." Draco was trying to keep the conversation short and bitter, but it didn't work. Harry walked towards the bed and Draco couldn't look at Harry's deep eyes that were vibrant with emotion.

"I understand perfectly that if you do that again you'll have bigger problems than that little scrape. Hagrid is my friend and you're not so leave him alone or pay for it." Harry was livid and was attempting to scare Draco.

"I could be."

"You could be what?"

"You're friend... or more." When the words left Draco's lips, Harry turned to sprint, but Draco grabbed his wrist and with surprising strength pulled him into his bed. Within the blink of an eye Harry was in the same position as on the Knight Bus and the cool body heat Draco emitted was soothing him once again. They didn't mean to, but they feel asleep pressing against each other like lovers.

"Malfoy, are you feeling any better?" Draco heard Madam Pomfrey's voice from outside and instinctually pushed Harry off and under the bed. Harry awoke, but kept quiet because he assumed there was a valid reason for the action.

"G-Great, Madam Pomfrey. I was just going to head back to my dorm, but c-could you leave the room while I change really quick? Actually, can you leave the hall because I don't like people's presence?" Draco glanced at Harry as to say that would be his chance.

"Change into what? Do you even have other robes?"

"Not in here, but go get the robes from my dorm." Draco started to feel more assure of his plan and sounded like himself again. Madam Pomfrey left and Harry jumped from under the bed. "Run off, Potter, before they find that your gone." Harry began to walk towards the door and grabbed his invisibility cloak without Draco realizing, but suddenly turned around. Draco noticed he was blushing and avoiding eye contact, but Harry could feel Draco's ice cold glare.

"I suppose I never answer you, Draco. I'd very much enjoy being friends, but nothing more and maybe less than that even." With this Harry turned and left, but Draco couldn't help himself and smiled a little. Not the evil smile he does to everyone else, but a genuinely happy smile.

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