Chapter 3

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Draco had laid a quick kiss on Harry's lips and then blushed to the point where it looked like he was going to explode. He pulled away to see Harry's horrified face. "What the hell, Draco!" Harry jumped off of Draco letting him go from the pin Harry had him in.

"I-I-" He couldn't think straight and couldn't understand why he just did what he did. "I-I didn't-" Harry ran before Draco could finish and Draco felt tears start to stream down his face. He hadn't even seen Harry there as if he was a ghost, but he wished Harry stayed that way and he'd never have to face him again.

The next day came and Draco couldn't get Harry off his mind. Even more than usual. Then in potions when Neville messed up and spilled the potion everywhere, he didn't even laugh. He didn't care enough to laugh and even stopped Crabbe and Goyle from laughing. "Shut up it isn't funny." He'd muttered and the entire class looked shocked at his remark, especially Harry.

After class Draco was walking up from the dungeons and Harry stopped him.
"I'm sorry, Draco." He stood there shell shocked at Harry's apology.

"For what? I should be the one apologizing if I cared enough to."

"I'm sorry for running I shouldn't have yelled at you either. I'm sure you didn't mean it and I know we hate each other so you were probably just tired."

Draco didn't know how to respond because if he told the truth he knew he'd regret it, but if he lied he'd crush the small chance he had with Harry even though he didn't understand why he wanted a chance. "I wasn't tired. In fact I was wide awake, Potter."


"I don't know why I did it, but I liked it. This doesn't change that I despise you, but maybe we could try to ease the tension between us."

"Malfoy, I'm straight." Draco felt hurt by these words, but also felt the need to get defensive.

"I-I'm straight too ya know! I would never be a fag! That wasn't what I meant you idiot Potter!" Draco felt heated at the even mention of sexual orientation. He was straight! He had to be straight. His father hated gays and therefore so did he.

"I wasn't trying to offend you, Malfoy. It's just-"

"Even if I was gay I'd never even imagine being with someone that had even half of your idiocy! I rather date a Mudblood than you! Colin turns me on more than you! And that saying something 'cause I'm straight!"

"Okay. Now that that's out of the way, I'd love being friends if that's what you're implying, Malfoy."

"Fine, not that I care we're friends."

"Ron and I are meeting in the library at lunch if you'd like to join us."

"That sounds decent. I-I'll be there, maybe."

Harry walked off and Draco was left alone with just his thoughts. Why did he cares much that Potter insisted he was gay? True, he was the definition of homophobic, but why did he care what Harry thought of him.


"What is wrong with you, Harry? Have you lost your mind?"

"What're you so heated about. It's no like he's the heir of Slytherin. We already ruled that out."

"So?! That doesn't stop him from being Draco freaking Malfoy, your enemy!"

"He was sort of nice when we first met and I overheard in that shop over the summer that he talks about me a bunch. Maybe he's not a horrible person after all."

"It's official, you've lost your mind." Ron walked into a suit of armor without even realizing it because he was too filled with fury to think straight.

"Listen, maybe he's not all that bad."

"This isn't about the you-know-what is it?"

"No! Of course it's not about the kiss. He was a horrible kisser. Let's just head to the library. Maybe he won't even show." But the second they'd open the door to the library they saw Draco slumped over a potions book and highlighting an important sentence for their homework. "Hey, Malfoy."

"Hey, Potter. One moment I'm doing something real quick and your idiocy is clouding my judgement."

"I told you this was a bad idea." Ron whispered into Harry's ear. Draco slammed the book closed and looked up at the boys.

"So, what do you two do in here?" Ron looked at Harry nudging him to lie.

"Well we don't come in here often, but we figure we could just sit and talk." Ron looked disgusted by these words, but Harry didn't care.

"Oh no! I forgot that I had to talk to Professor McGongall this period! Sorry, catch you guys later. Harry took a seat next to Draco and didn't know what to say.

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