Chapter 4

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"He lied, didn't he?" Draco said with clear disappointment in his voice that he couldn't hide.

"Yeah, probably. I'm sorry, Malfoy." Harry replied feeling pissed at Ron and pity for Draco.

"It's fine. Everyone in this school does it and who could blame them. I should be feared and hated it's only a natural instinct." Draco tried to sound proud of this, but it was clear that it'd upset him that the whole school was his enemy.

"Hey, I don't hate you, Malfoy." Harry smiled and Draco turned away not being able to believe these words.

"Whatever, if you wanted to talk to me so you could make fun of my actions last night or tell me off about my comments on Granger then get it over with." Draco shakily said.

"Well I wanted to speak about one of the two things, but I don't wish to make fun of you." Draco looked at him with a slight grin and then quickly looked away again. "Malfoy, you look at me a lot, talk about me a lot and you kissed me. I apologize for my negative reaction to the kiss, but this begs the question. Do you have feelings for me, Malfoy?" Draco couldn't stop himself from blushing and tried to not look directly into the emeralds Harry had for eyes or else he'd spill everything.

"No! How can you be so full of yourself? I wish the attacks were on you and not Mudbloods although you're so weak you could be considered one. Raised by muggles, huh? It shows! I hope you kill yourself and I can go to your grave and spit on it!" Draco screamed and was immediately thankful that the librarian wasn't present. He then stomped out of the library and sprinted to the nearest bathroom hoping that a teacher wouldn't see himself and try to escort him back to the Great Hall.

"You're an idiot!" Draco screamed at himself and bashed his head into the mirror. Shards of glass got stuck in his head and blood was quickly staining his white hair into a gruesome red. He looked up at himself and started to hysterically cry. He didn't understand why he was hurt or angry because he didn't care about Harry Potter and he was just being full of himself. Suddenly it struck him. All the feelings he'd tried to suppress surface as he came to the realization. "I-I love Harry Potter." He murmured to himself in disbelief. "No, no, no!" With this he grabbed his head and smacked it again, but this time onto the sink. Draco suddenly felt light headed and fell to the ground.


"Malfoy?" Harry was staring down at him in horror from the blood that was spilled all over. "Are you okay?!" The blurriness started to dull and he could see clearly. He quickly sat up and jumped away from Harry.

"W-What're you doing here?! What time is it?"

"It's late at night, that's why there isn't an escort. D-Did you t-try to kill yourself?" Harry was stunned and there was a tear falling down his face.

"N-No I would never."

"Malfoy, if I'm the reason you did this then-"

"Nothing I do has anything to do with you. Wait, why are you crying?"

"You were unconscious on the floor and I thought you had died." Harry was hysterically crying now and couldn't stop it. "I-I care about you, Malfoy. I don't want to hurt you. Harry collapsed into Draco's arms crying and Draco started to blush. "I've never felt like this towards someone. It's horrible! Make it stop!" Draco now felt bad that he had done this to the poor boy.

"It's love, I think we love each other." Draco said and squeezed Harry with his bony arms and rested his chin on the sobbing boy's head.

"I-I don't want it! Love isn't what I want! Stop making me feel this way, Malfoy! This is all you fault!" Harry wriggled out of Draco's arms and went to run towards the door. Before he could touch the doorknob, Draco pinned him against the door and stared into his eyes. Harry was blurred by his tears, but could still see the eyes as gray as wolf's fur.

"Nobody wants love, idiot, it just happens."

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