Chapter 5

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With this Draco kissed him passionately until Harry tried to pry him off. When Draco wouldn't budge, Harry punched him and knocked him onto the tile floor. His eye quickly began to swell and bruise. "It isn't love, Malfoy! I'm straight and I'm in love with someone else. It's called wanting a friendship and pitying them! I suppose it's not something you're familiar with though." In the blink of an eye Harry was gone and Draco was alone once again.


"Hey, Harry, did you hear? Ron said as he sat down to eat his breakfast. "Malfoy tried to kill himself and got admitted into the hospital wing because he tried to use Dark Magic on himself. Told you he's an evil brat." Ron seemed ecstatic about the event and Harry got offended.

"Why're you so happy? Even if it was Malfoy, someone still tried to take their life."

"He's brainwashed you! He must've!"

"I think I'm the reason he tried to kill himself." Harry said while staring at and playing with his food. He explained to Ron what had happened the night before.

"He's tricking you, Harry! He kissed you inexplicably! This is his problem, not yours."

"I have to see him, Ron. I have to tell him how I feel."

"Why?! I'm sure your feelings will change quickly and then you'll be stuck with an aristocratic idiot to deal with."

"Ron, I've had these feelings for a long time and never was able to decipher what they were, but now I know and I need to tell him." Ron's face was as red as his hair and he was fuming with anger. Harry was staring at him and hoping he'd accept what Harry was going to do.


Draco stared at the ceiling feeling like a shell of a boy. No thoughts, no emotions. He had woken up at a late hour and couldn't fall back to sleep so he laid there with nothing happening. He heard footsteps and quickly sat up to see Harry holding a chocolate frog.
"Malfoy, I brought you this. I think we need to talk without yelling and just get some stuff off of our chests." Draco laid back down and stared once again at the ceiling.

"Please, Draco." There was no response so Harry pounced on top of Draco and pinned him like the night this had all started. Draco was shocked that Harry had done this and was in a lot of pain as Harry squeezed the slit wrists as tightly as he could. Draco winged and tried to hold in a cry of agony.

Right at that moment Ron walked in and quickly ran over, grabbed Harry's cloak and ripped him off of Draco. "What did you do, Malfoy! What'd you do to break my best friend!" Ron looked angrier than Harry had ever seen him and dragged Harry out of the room. Draco grabbed both of his wrists which began to bleed again and curled up into a ball on the bed.


Ron hadn't spoke to Harry in a week and Draco was back in his classes. After a week of speaking to no one, Harry was craving even the slightest bit of attention and not the kind Lockhart showed him in class. Draco went back to normal and bullied everyone in school with Crabbe and Goyle by his side. While Harry was heading down to Potions Class he spotted Draco alone and speed walked toward him. "Malfoy, how're you feeling?"

"What's it to you, Potter?"

"I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay."

"Oh, you mean since I tried to kill myself because of you." Harry felt even guiltiest by this remark and hugged Draco tightly. Draco pushed him away and gave a lifeless, dirty look to him. "Aw, that's sweet. You think hugging is going to fix everything. Trust me, it's going to take a lot more than that."

"I'll do anything." Draco smirked at the sound of that.

"Anything?" Harry worried that Draco would suggest a cruel punishment, but wanted to clear his guilty conscious.

"Yes, anything." Harry said and looked down at the ground.

"Hm, it's tough to choose." Draco smiled evilly and then made a look like a lightbulb went off in his head. "I know, have dinner with me."

"What? That's it?" Draco nodded and then began to walk off.

"Meet me here tonight at nine o'clock." Draco said as he walked off and into the dungeons. Harry was both relieved and disappointed that he'd even offered anything, but it also nagged him the rest of the day that Draco had the option to make Harry do anything and he chose the simplest option.

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