Chapter 11

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Harry explained to them that he had both despised and liked Draco, but after an hour of trying to get them to understand he gave up. Hermione didn't seem extremely happy about it, but was more accepting then Ron who's ears hadn't returned to their proper shade even though it was evening and the events had occurred in the morning. After they'd finished their homework all of them headed up to the dorm rooms, but Harry and Ron couldn't sleep.  Two hours passed by before one of the boys broke the silence.

"You know what I could go for right about now? Some candy from Honeydukes!" The boys stayed up for an hour and spoke about what treats they wanted at the moment until Harry decided to go out.

"Hey, Ron, I'm going to head out for a bit, okay?" Ron let him go without protest to take him because he was too tired, so Harry headed out praying that the dementors were still stationed at the entrance.

He walked away from Gryffindor tower and down a corridor, without an intended direction, when he saw Draco nonchalantly walking down it on the opposite side. He was just walking and looking around. Harry went to say something, but stopped himself remembering that he was invisible. Harry turned into the nearest empty room, took off his cloak, and walked out as if he was just doing something in there. Draco saw him walking out of the classroom, walked over to him, pushed him back into the classroom and closed the door. Harry fell back onto one of the desks and was worried that Draco was going to do something regrettable.

"M-Malfoy! Why'd you close the-" Before Harry could finish his sentence, Draco walked over and kissed him. Harry didn't pull away and Draco took that as a cue to continue. Draco kissed him harder and wrapped his arms around Harry. Harry didn't do anything, but let it happen because he was done trying to stop Draco from what he wanted. Before it went any further, Draco pulled away and headed towards the door, but before Draco twisted the doorknob to get out Harry pushed him up against the door and locked lips with him, kissing continuously, almost violently. Harry decided that even though they were young he didn't mind doing anything if it pleased Draco, Draco pushed him onto the ground and crawled on top of him, still kissing, but then slid his tongue in and continued to make out with Harry. The only thought in his head is how much he had wanted Harry, but had to hold himself back. Harry's eyes were closed and his lips we're enjoying the sweet sensation of Draco on them.

Finally, when Draco went to reach to take off Harry's clothes, Harry decided that that was too much for the time being. "M-Malfoy, d-don't." Draco realized that Harry was still set on keeping his virginity, so Draco just continued to pin Harry to the cold, hard ground and kiss him profusely. Harry placed his hands on Draco's cheeks and couldn't help but notice the perfect bone structure Draco possessed and Draco just kept his hands clenched onto Harry's clothing right by the neckline.

After what felt like an hour, Draco pulled away and just sat on top of the Gryffindor boy, staring into the green emeralds he had for eyes and Harry stared into the silver pearls Draco had. Soon Harry realized that Draco's silver eyes started to well up with tears. "Draco, are you okay? Did I do something?" Draco didn't respond, but as Harry pulled himself from under Draco and sat up, Draco pulled him into a tight hug. Draco's tears were soaking Harry, but Harry didn't mind and just wrapped his arms around the Slytherin.

"I'm sorry, Harry. You're my enemy and enemies don't do things like this, but I don't know, I just can't help myself. When I'm around you I just can't stop myself. I know that your friends Ron and Hermione hate my guts and probably know about some of my actions, but I can't help myself when it comes to you." Draco continued to cry on Harry and spew out words until the sun began to rise and Harry know it was time for him to head down to Quidditch practice. Harry went to pull away, but Draco pulled him back in and wouldn't let him leave. Harry missed Quidditch practice, but felt that it might have been more important to stay and comfort Draco anyway. They missed breakfast too, but didn't miss their first class because Draco pulled away knowing that it would start soon. He got up apologized once more and thanked him and ran out of the classroom. Harry left right behind him, but not as quickly and headed to go meet with his two best friends in their first class.

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