Chapter 7

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hi hi just a heads up bc there is a bit of abuse in this chapter.... so yeah it starts basically at the starred part (that splits the chapter) until the end, so you can skip to the authors note at the end of the chapter if you dont want to read it.

Every night since I've been here someone has came into my room to talk to me, usually it's Keaton, he's like my younger brother and it's so nice to have someone to talk to constantly.

We're sitting on my bed, discussing our days, when a soft knock interupts our conversation.

"Come in." I say and Wesley pokes his head around the door before walking into the room.

"Hey there." He smiles at me and Keaton gets up to leave. I grab his hand and pull him towards me.

"Talk tomorrow Keaters?"

"Yeah, of course. Lunch?" I nod, remembering that it'll be Saturday tomorrow, "Night guys."

Wesley and I sit in silence once Keaton leaves and I snuggle under my blankets and check my phone for the time.

"Did I interupt an important conversation?"

"Naw, we were talking about our days, like always." I shrug, Wesley nods and moves closer to me on the bed.

"Can I come under the blankets?" I nod and he lifts the covers and crawls in next to me. I automatically move over and cuddle up next to him.

We lay there for a while, silent and still. I try and push all thoughts from my head, but I can't. I start to picture what I'd be like if I hadn't ran into Wesley that day, it's a horrible thing to think about. I can't get the sounds and pain and everything that Derek has and could still do to me out of my brain. I move closer, if possible, to Wes and he holds me tightly.

"Wesley?" I mumble, I'm suddenly tired as I lay next to Wes.


"I need to go home." I say and I feel his muscles tense and I frown, "No, I don't mean-.


"Wesley, I just have to-"

"No Michelle."

"Let me finish Wesley, I just have to get more clothes and other stuff. I didn't mean for good. I'm never going back to live with him again." I turn to face him, his eyebrows are pulled towards each other as he frowns. His eyes search my face and I reach up to touch his cheek.

"Me and Drew will come with you, okay?"

"Sounds good." He leans down and kisses my nose, making me smile. I rest my head on his chest and close my eyes. I try and sleep, but I can't, so I open my eyes and see Wes looking down at me.

"Stop creeping." I laugh and Wes sticks his tongue out at me.

"You even looked worried while trying to sleep." He mumbles and I turn away from his gaze.

"I'm fine." I whisper back and move closer to him, burrying my face into his chest.

"Night Mic." I feel him press his lips to my head, making me smile slightly before I slowly drift off to sleep.


"Michelle, do you think this is a good idea?"

"Mhmm, it's late. He's either out at a bar or drunk out of his mind passed out on the couch. So I'm sure it'll be fine." I say, answering the same question that Wesley and Drew have been asking the entire car ride over.

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